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Real time DQ0 analysis of Field Oriented Control (FOC) systems

dq0 analysis whitepaper

Currently designers measure direct-quadrature-zero (dq0) with custom built embedded control software and additional hardware using FPGA for Field Oriented Control (FOC). This is a complex and expensive task. It requires access to probing points on the controller board which can be challenging [3].

This paper talks about how motor designers can measure dq0 components and resultant drive vector for sensor and sensorless systems. Combined Clarke and Park transforms are applied to correlate with the controller circuit behavior. Designers can visualize optimal torque generated for the given electrical input using D and Q components. This also gives an indication of the efficiency of the motor. With oscilloscope’s cursors feature, dq0 can be seen as a rotating frame at the sample rate.

For sensorless systems, angle is computed precisely using filtered electrical signals. The dq0 signals are used to refine the controller algorithms. Phasor diagram representation shows stator and rotor vectors simultaneously.

For more information visit:  EV Traction Inverters and Motors and Three-Phase Variable Frequency Drives


Article published 20 March 2022 in 2022 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).

DOI: 10.1109/APEC43599.2022.9773751

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