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Measuring Standby Power

Measurement of the power and energy consumed by common domestic and office appliances when they are in standby mode provides several challenges. Not only are the current and power levels very low (in the region 10 milliwatt to 1 watt) but standby power is often drawn in irregular bursts from the AC line.

Special features of Tektronix power analyzers that enable accurate yet easy-to-use solutions for standby power measurement:

  •  Low current Spiral Shunt™ fitted as standard for high resolution mW measurements
  • Standby mode for fast measurements during power supply and appliance development.
  • 0.05% basic accuracy for IEC62301 Ed.2 and IEC50564 full compliance standby power testing with the included PWRVIEW pc software.

Break-out box makes the special connections required for accurate standby power measurement safe and easy.