Question :
MSO4000: I have a MSO4104 and noticed the MagniVu feature+ can you explain how MagniVu works?
Answer :
The MagniVu acquisition is a parallel process to the main acquisition, and the record is acquired for every Main acquisition. MagniVu can be displayed at any time to achieve a higher resolution view of the data.
MSO4000 series oscilloscopes use MagniVu to let you see more detail on short events. You can see up to 32 times more detail than with normal digital channel sampling.
When choosing MagniVu versus normal digital sampling, there is a trade off of sample rate versus record length. Regular digital channel sampling works up to 500 megasamples per second for up to a 10 M record. MagniVu works up to 16 GigaSamples per second for up to a 10k record. The oscilloscope measures each value as high, or low state.
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