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Spectrum Analyzer

Features & Benefits
- 100-Hz to 325-GHz Frequency Coverage
- Continuous-Resolution Frequency Tuning
- Up to 90-dB Viewable Dynamic Range
- Built-In Frequency Counters Provide Frequency Determination to Within 0.0000001% (1 × 1e+9/day ref.)
- Sensitivities to -110 dBm
- Built-In Intelligence for Signal Processing/Marker Functions
- Push-Button Noise-Normalization Functions
- Macro Capability with Nonvolatile Memory
- Optional Switch-Selectable 50/75 ohm Impedances
- Nonvolatile Memory for up to Nine Waveforms and Ten Front-Panel Settings
- GPIB Programmability with Tektronix Codes and Formats
- Manufacturing ATE
- Avionics
- Broadcasting
- Cellular Radio
- Design and Engineering
- Nuclear Physics
- Radio Astronomy
- Satellite Communications
- Terrestrial Microwave
- Two-Way Radio
Frequency Range with Internal Mixers - 10 kHz to 21 GHz
Frequency Range with External Mixers - 325 GHz (Opt. 04)
Frequency Readout Accuracy (center or marker) - ±[2% span + (CF × Ref.) + (2N + 25) Hz]: ±30 kHz at 1 GHz with 1 MHz span
Frequency Counter Accuracy - ±[(CF × Ref.) + (5 + N) Hz + 1 LSD]: 10.013 kHz at 1 GHz, ±9 Hz at 1 GHz (Opt. 03)
Delta Count Accuracy - ±[(D-F × Ref.) + (10 + 2N) + 1 LSD]: ±65 Hz for 1 MHz delta F
Frequency Reference Accuracy - ≤2 × 1e+9/day (aging) Opt. 03
Frequency Stability (residual FM) - ≤12 Hz at 1 GHz
Frequency Stability (drift) - <50 Hz/minute
Single-Sideband Phase Noise - (30 kHz offset and N=1)-103 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz
Frequency Span Range (plus 0 Hz and MAX) - 2 kHz to 12 GHz
Frequency Span Accuracy - ±5%
Delta Frequency Accuracy Marker Mode - 1% of span
Resolution Bandwidth (6 dB) Range - 1 kHz to 3 MHz
Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity - (-60 dB/-6 dB): ≤7.5:1
Video Bandwidth Range - 3 Hz to 30 kHz
Reference Level Range - -117 to +30 dBm
Maximum Safe Input Power, CW - 1 W (+30 dBm)
Maximum Safe Input Power, Pulse - 75 W Pk (1 µs pulse, 0.1% duty factor)
CRT Display Range, Log - 1 to 15 dB/div
CRT Display Range, Linear - 39.6 nV/div to 2.8 V/div
Input Attenuator Range - 0 to 60 dB in 10 dB steps
Dynamic Range (maximums) -
Compression to noise: 110 dB
Signal-to-distortion harmonic: 65 dB to 1.7 GHz; ≥100 dB 1.7 to 21 GHz
Signal-to-distortion intermodulation: 76 dB to 1.7 GHz; ≥100 dB 1.7 to 21 GHz
Viewable on CRT screen: 80 dB
Residual Response (no signal and zero RF attenuation) - -95 dBm, (input terminated)
Second Harmonic Distortion, RF Frequency Range - -60 dBc, (mixer level -40 dBm)
Second Harmonic Distortion - -100 dBc
Microwave Frequency Range - (mixer level -20 dBm)
Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion - -70 dBc; (mixer level -27 dBm)
Calibrator Accuracy - ±0.3 dB
Gain Compression (1 dB) - 0 dBm
Frequency Response (10 dB RF attenuation referred to cal signal) -
Band 1 (10 kHz to 1.8 GHz): ±3.0 dB
Band 2 (1.7 GHz to 5.5 GHz): ±4.0 dB
Band 3 (3.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz): ±4.0 dB
Band 4 (5.4 GHz to 18 GHz): ±5.0 dB
Band 5 (15 GHz to 21 GHz): ±7.0 dB
In-Band Flatness (with 10 dB RF attenuation) -
Band 1 (10 kHz to 1.8 MHz): ±2.0 dB
Band 2 (1.7 GHz to 5.5 GHz): ±3.0 dB
Band 4 (5.4 GHz to 18 GHz): ±4.0 dB
Band 5 (15 GHz to 21 GHz): ±5.5 dB
Displayed Average Noise Level (input terminated, narrowest resolution bandwidth, and video filter) -
Band 1 (1 kHz to 10 kHz): -60 dBm (typical)
Band 1 (10 kHz to 100 kHz): -70 dBm
Band 1 (100 kHz to 1 MHz): -90 dBm
Band 1 (1 MHz to 1.8 GHz): -110 dBm
Band 2 (1.7 GHz to 5.5 GHz): -108 dBm
Band 3 (3.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz): -108 dBm
Band 4 (5.4 to 12 GHz/12 to 18 GHz): -94/-89 dBm
Band 5 (15 GHz to 21 GHz): -88 dBm
IF Gain Uncertainty - ±2 dB max over 107 dB range
Scale Fidelity, Log (80 dB range/90 dB range) - ±2 dB max
Scale Fidelity, Linear - ±5% of full scale
Input Attenuator Switching Accuracy (20 dB to 60 dB settings) -
0 to 1.8 GHz: ±0.5 dB/10 dB; ±1.0 dB max
1.8 to 18 GHz: ±1.5 dB/10 dB; ±3.0 dB max
18 to 21 GHz: ±3.0 dB/10 dB; ±6.0 dB max
Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty (reference BW = 3 MHz) - ±0.4 dB
Sweep Time Range - 200 µs/div to 100 sec/div
Sweep Time Accuracy - ±5%
Marker Time Measurement Accuracy - ±10%
Delta Marker Time Measurement Accuracy - ±5%
Sweep Trigger - Free Run, Line, Video, Single, Ext.
External Input
RF Input Impedance - 50 ohm nominal
VSWR (10 dB input attenuation) -
<2.5 GHz: 1.3:1 max
2.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz: 1.7:1 max
6.0 GHz to 18 GHz: 2.3:1 max
18 GHz to 21 GHz: 3.5:1 max
Local Oscillator Emission Level (0 dB input attenuation) - ≥-70 dBm
Horizontal Input/Trigger Input - 0 to +10 V/1 to 50 V
Video Input/Marker Input - 0 to +4 V/0 to -10 V
External Output
Calibrator - 100 MHz ±1 kHz, -20 dBm ±0.3 dB
1st Local Oscillator - 2 to 6 GHz, +7.5 to +20 dBm
2nd Local Oscillator - -12 to +5 dBm
Video Output (CRT center reference) - 0.5 V of signal per div of video
Sweep Output (CRT center reference) - 0.5 V/div; ±2.5 V max
Pen Lift - +5 V nominal; TTL-compatible
2nd IF Output (Opt. 42) - 10 MHz, 0 dBm; 3 dB BW is 4.5 MHz
3rd IF Output - 10 MHz, -5 dBm
Probe Power - +5 V, -15 V, +15 V; 100 mA max each
General Specifications
Power Requirements -
Voltage: 90-132/180-250 V AC
Frequency: 47-63 Hz
Power: 210 W max at 115 V AC, 60 Hz
Dimensions -
Without handle, feet, or cover: 175 × 327 × 499 mm (6.9 × 12.87 × 19.65 in.)
Weight (carrying), Nominal: 21.3 kg (46 lbs.)
Digital Storage - 1000 pts horizontal, 250 pts vertical
Digitizing Rate - 9 µs
Macro Programming - 8 K
Nonvolatile Memory - 9 waveforms, 10 control settings
Environmental (Per MIL-T-28800C, Type III, Class 3, Style C)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (consult data sheet for compliance details) - MIL-STD-461
Calibration Interval - 1 Year
Interface Functions - SH1, AH1, T5, L3, SR1, RL1, PP1, SR1, RL1, PP1, DC1, DT1, and C0
Direct Plotter Output - Supports Tektronix HC100, HP7470A
Waveform Transfer Speed - 165 ms/1000 pts
Safety - Listed FM 3810; Certified CSA