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Nous serions ravis de « parler technologie » avec vous toute la journée, mais nous sommes conscients que vous avez mieux à faire. Nous avons donc simplifié le téléchargement des manuels, fiches techniques et logiciels pour tous les produits actuellement commercialisés et de nombreux produits plus anciens. Dites-nous simplement quel produit vous utilisez et nous vous proposerons le matériel de référence qui s'y rapporte.

Le modèle de produit sélectionné est actuellement disponible à la vente. Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles.

  • Fiche technique Numéro du document : Date de publication
    Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
    Tektronix understands that engineers rely on an oscilloscope throughout their design cycle, from prototype turn-on to production testing. The DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes' unique capabilities combined with exceptional signal acquisition performance …
  • Watch this video to learn what's new in V1.4 of tm_devices - the Tektronix device management package that enables better control and usage of test & measurement devices in Python scripts.
    Durée: 3m 47s
    Combining the power of Python and Tektronix oscilloscopes makes complex testing procedures more efficient, accurate and customizable. This short video shows how to use tm_devices, the Tektronix …
    Durée: 2m 5s
    Watch this short video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 2.4, including TekScope Basic – a new free tier license, maintenance licenses, fast frames with improved support, a new …
    Durée: 4m 39s
    Watch this video learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.44, including RF analysis capabilities, added support for the MSO2000 and MSO2000B oscilloscopes, user interface improvements …
    Durée: 8m 8s
    View this recorded webinar to get a solid overview of jitter components as well as jitter characterization and visualization. Learn how to control Jitter during system design and improve timing …
    Durée: 32m 54s
    Find the most comprehensive solution available for PAM4 analysis. Find out about the advanced equalization and digital clock recovery, effective error rate analysis, and offline analysis available …
    Durée: 1m 51s
    This short video shows how to debug a compliance measurement that has failed by using Tektronix’ Jitter and Eye Diagram Software, DPOJET. Using DPOJET, engineers can go from a compliance …
    Durée: 4m 36s
    TekScope PC software, combined with Tektronix oscilloscopes, makes it easy to log waveform data, waveform images and measurements on your PC.  Simply set the logging interval, count, and hit Start …
    Durée: 5m 29s
    Watch this video to learn about the new features in TekScope version 1.40, including continuous acquisition, license expiration notification, and IMDA-MECH and WBG-DPT in the pro automotive and …
    Durée: 7m 19s