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TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various communication buses. This version provides support for the coexistence of multiple Vendor Specific VISA implementations on 64-Bit PCs. The text box further down on this page titled, "This software applies to:", includes the Tektronix instruments that can be communicated to, with this version of TekVISA.
Version: V4.1.1Release Date:
Software Type: DriverPart Number: 066093811
Download File (102329 KB)
Release Notes: Download ReadMe_066093811.txt
- Prerequisites: Download Prerequisites_066093811.txt
- Installation Instructions: Download InstallInstructions_066093811.txt
This software applies to: TDS7054, TDS7104, TDS7154, TDS7154B, TDS7254, TDS7254B, TDS7404, TDS7404B, TDS7704B, TDS6124C, TDS6154C, TDS6404, TDS6604, TDS6604B, TDS6804B, CSA7154, CSA7404, CSA7404B, TDS5032, TDS5032B, TDS5034, TDS5034B, TDS5054, TDS5052, TDS5052B, TDS5054B, TDS5054BE, TDS5104, TDS5104B, DPO5034, DPO5034B, DPO5054, DPO5054B, DPO5104, DPO5104B, DPO5204, DPO5204B, MSO5034, MSO5034B, MSO5054, MSO5054B, MSO5104, MSO5104B, MSO5204, DPO7054, DPO7104, DPO7254, DPO7354, DPO7054C, DPO7104C, DPO7254C, DPO7354C, DPO70404, DPO70604, DPO70804, DPO70404B, DPO70604B, DPO70804B, DPO70404C, DPO70604C, DPO70804C, DSA70404, DSA70404B, DSA70404C, DSA70604, DSA70604B, DSA70604C, DSA70804, DSA70804B, DSA70804C, DPO71254, DPO71254B, DPO71254C, DPO71604, DPO71604B, DPO71604C, DPO72004, DPO72004B, DPO72004C, DSA71254, DSA71254B, DSA71254C, DSA71604, DSA71604B, DSA71604C, DSA72004, DSA72004B, DSA72004C, MSO70404, MSO70404C, MSO70604, MSO70604C, MSO70804, MSO70804C, MSO71254, MSO71254C, MSO71604, MSO71604C, MSO72004, MSO72004C, DPO72504D, DPO72504DX, DPO73304D, DPO73304DX, DSA72504D, DSA73304D, DPO72304DX, MSO72304DX, MSO72504DX, MSO73304DX, DPO73304SX, DPO77002SX, DPO72304SX, DPO75002SX, TDS210, TDS220, TDS224, TDS1002, TDS1012, TDS2002, TDS2004, TDS2012, TDS2014, TDS2022, TDS2024, TDS1001, TDS1001B, TDS1002B, TDS1012B, TDS2002B, TDS2004B, TDS2012B, TDS2014B, TDS2022B, TDS2024B, TPS2012, TPS2014, TPS2024, TDS3012, TDS3014, TDS3032, TDS3034, TDS3052, TDS3054, TDS3012B, TDS3014B, TDS3024B, TDS3032B, TDS3034B, TDS3052B, TDS3054B, TDS3044B, TDS3064B, TDS3012C, TDS3014C, TDS3032C, TDS3034C, TDS3052C, TDS3054C, DPO2002, DPO2012, DPO2014, DPO2024, DPO2002B, DPO2004B, DPO2012B, DPO2014B, DPO2022B, DPO2024B, MSO2002, MSO2012, MSO2014, MSO2024, MSO2002B, MSO2004B, MSO2012B, MSO2014B, MSO2022B, MSO2024B, DPO3012, DPO3014, DPO3032, DPO3034, DPO3052, DPO3054, MSO3012, MSO3014, MSO3032, MSO3034, MSO3054, DPO4054, DPO4034, DPO4032, MSO4032, MSO4034, MSO4054, MSO4104, DPO4014B, DPO4034B, DPO4054B, MSO4014B, MSO4034B, MSO4054B, MSO4102B, MSO4104B, MSO4102B L, MSO4104B L, TDS2001C, TDS2002C, TDS2004C, TDS2012C, TDS2014C, TDS2022C, TDS2024C, TPS2012B, TPS2014B, TPS2024B, TDS1001B SC, TDS1001C SC, TDS1002B SC, TDS1002C SC, TDS1012B SC, TDS1012C SC, TDS1001C EDU, TDS1002C EDU, TDS1012C EDU, MDO4054 3, MDO4054 6, MDO4014 3, MDO4104 3, MDO4104 6, MDO4014B 3, MDO4034B 3, MDO4054B 3, MDO4054B 6, MDO4104B 3, MDO4104B 6, MDO4104C, MDO3012, MDO3014, MDO3022, MDO3024, MDO3032, MDO3034, MDO3052, MDO3054, MDO3102, MDO3104, TBS1022, TBS1042, TBS1062, TBS1064, TBS1102, TBS1104, TBS1152, TBS1154, TBS1032B, TBS1052B, TBS1072B, TBS1102B, TBS1152B, TBS1202B, TBS1052B EDU, TBS1072B EDU, TBS1102B EDU, TBS1152B EDU, TBS1202B EDU, MDO4024C, MDO4034C, MDO4054C, TBS2104, TBS2074, TBS2102, TBS2072
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How to use TekVISA to communicate with and control my scope?
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