Is it possible to establish a peer to peer ethernet connection on the 5/6 Series MSO?
Yes. To setup a peer to peer connection, you must manually configure the IP and subnet mask address on both the scope and your computer. You can then use an ethernet cable connected directly between the scope and computer. This will work on the Linux and Windows version of the 5 or 6 Series MSO.
On the oscilloscope:
- Open the LAN settings by selecting Utility -> I/O
- Change the network address setting from Auto to Manual.
- Manually set an IP address for the instrument – try
- Manually set the Subnet Mask – try
- Push the Apply Changes button.
On the computer:
- Go your Network Connections menu found in the Control Panel.
- Right click on the ethernet device that you connected to and select Properties.
- Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
- Select “Use the following IP address” and enter in the IP address and Subnet Mask. Try and The upper three octets of the IP address must match the scope setup, and the Subnet Mask must match exactly.
- Select “Use the following DNS server addresses”, but leave the fields blank. Click OK.
The connection should be established and working. You can test it by pinging the scope from your PC.
FAQ ID 474351
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