









製品の比較 型名 アナログ・チャンネル数 サンプル・レート 周波数帯域 垂直軸分解能 レコード長(ポイント) 出力周波数レンジ 価格



25 MHz~250MHz



25 MHz~250MHz

US $2,930


125 MS/s - 300 MS/s

25 MHz - 60 MHz


8k points - 1M points

25 MHz - 60 MHz

US $1,180





128 kポイント


US $2,710



項目 概要
サンプル・レート メイン出力信号の周波数と忠実度に影響します。正確な信号再生のためには、生成された信号の最も高いスペクトル周波数成分の2倍以上のサンプリング周波数が必要です。
周波数帯域 信号発生器の出力回路のアナログ帯域幅は、そのサンプル・レートがサポートする最大周波数を処理するのに十分でなければなりません。言い換えれば、信号特性を劣化させることなく、メモリからクロック出力される最高周波数と遷移時間をパスするのに十分な帯域幅が必要です。
レコード長 レコード長は保存できる最大サンプル数を決めるもので、波形を定義するために何ポイントのデータを保存できるかを決定するため、信号の忠実度に重要な役割を果たします。特に複雑な波形の場合、信号の詳細を正確に再現するためには、レコード長が重要になります。
出力周波数レンジ 最も重要な項目の1つであり、多くの場合、価格の最大の要因となるのが出力周波数レンジです。測定に適した出力周波数レンジで動作するファンクション・ジェネレータを選ぶことが重要です。
ノイズとジッタ この2つの特性は非常に密接な関係にあり、本質的には信号の望ましくない歪みであり、できる限り抑えられるべきものです。
チャンネル数 アプリケーションのニーズによっては、出力は1つで十分な場合もあります。しかし、例えばIQ変調の場合は、2つの出力が必須となります。
ユーザ・インタフェース 応答性の高い大型の最新型タッチスクリーンは、測定時間が不可欠なラボにとって重要な要素です。



Types of signal generators

There are many different types of signal generators with diverse features and applications. This blog highlights the most common types of signal generators and differentiates the unique capabilities of waveform and function generators.


Capacitance and Inductance Measurements Using an Oscilloscope and a Function Generator

Choose the best DC bench power supply for your application. Tektronix and Keithley offer a comprehensive portfolio of bench power supplies to address your power sourcing needs.

tek afg3252c

25 Common Things You Can Do with an Arbitrary Function Generator

DC Bench power supplies are a staple of every engineer’s bench. Here are six things you should know about bench power supplies.

A setup for performing double pulse testing of SiC semiconductors includes a function generator for driving the gate of the MOSFET and an oscilloscope with analysis software for measuring VDS and ID.

Double Pulse Testing for Power Semiconductor Devices with an Oscilloscope and Arbitrary Function Generator

Double pulse testing is useful for measuring switching parameters and evaluating the dynamic behavior of power semiconductor devices. Read this application note to learn how to perform a double pulse test with an Oscilloscope and Arbitrary function generator.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a function generator used for?

Block diagram of a function generator

A function generator is a piece of electronic test instrument used to generate and deliver standard waveforms, typically sine and square waves, to a device under test. It can be used to test a design or confirm that a piece of electronic equipment is working as intended.

What’s the difference between a function generator and a signal generator?

A signal generator is any device that creates electronic signals. A vector signal generator specializes in creating RF signals with analog and digital modulation schemes in formats such as QAM, QPSK, FSK, BPSK, and OFDM.

A function generator is a specialized piece of test equipment that has a preset list of waveforms or patterns that it can play. Function generators are known for their ability to rapidly switch from one frequency to another and are a more economical option than other more advanced waveform generators. 

How do function generators work?

Diagram showing how a function generator creates signals that feed to oscilloscopes and other test and measurement equipment

A function generator connects to a device under test (DUT) via test leads and creates voltage waveforms at a desired frequency to the DUT. Using the instrument’s front panel, the operator can change the parameters of a waveform, such as how fast it’s played, the amplitude and offset, or add basic distortion or modulation.

What is the difference between a function generator and an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG)?

A function generator primarily produces standard waveforms like sine, square, and triangle waves, while an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) can create more complex and custom waveforms based on user input. AWGs are often used for advanced applications like high-speed signal testing.

What types of waveforms can a function generator produce?

Function generators can produce a wide range of waveforms, including sine waves for AC circuit testing, square waves for digital signal testing, triangle waves for waveform analysis, and arbitrary waveforms for custom signal generation.

Can I synchronize multiple function generators?

Yes, many function generators allow synchronization through various methods such as external triggers or synchronization inputs/outputs. This is particularly useful for generating complex waveforms or multi-channel setups.