Question :
What is the range of SINAD on the Model 2015?
Answer :
SINAD is another way of expressing THD+noise. It is the RMS magnitude of the signal divided by the RMS magnitude of the difference between the signal and the fundamental.
This measurement is expressed only in dB.
With 100% distortion, SINAD, which is the signal including the noise and distortion divided by the noise and distortion, the SINAD would be the √2 or 3dB.
Based on the residual distortion, the maximum SINAD would be 65dB.
So the range of SINAD measurement would be 3dB – 65dB.
This FAQ Applies to:
Product Series: Keithley 2015 Series: Đồng hồ vạn năng phân tích âm thanh và THD
FAQ ID 776886
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