Question :
How do I utilize the measurement features on a DPO/MSO/MDO3000 and DPO/MSO/MDO4000 Series oscilloscope?
Answer :
The Measurements are the same as the DPO/MSO2000 Series scopes. By going into the measurement menu you can add and remove up to 4 measurements. You can gate the measurements which allows you to only measure the part of the captured waveform that you desire. Reference levels can be setup for different measurements as well as turning on indicators to determine exactly where your measurements are located on screen.
This FAQ Applies to:
Product Series: Máy hiện sóng miền hỗn hợp MDO3024 Máy hiện sóng miền hỗn hợp MDO4000C MSO3000 / DPO3000 Máy hiện sóng tín hiệu hỗn hợp MSO/DPO4000 (Ngừng sản xuất)
FAQ ID 64651
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