This video addresses the Diamond Award that BTR awarded to the WFM5250 at Cable Tec-Expo 2013 in Atlanta. The Tektronix WFM5250 can monitor both the video and audio quality of HDMI with HDCP. With this capability, operators can test set-top box firmware in the lab without needing dedicated HDMI protocol analyzers. Additionally, the WFM5250 can be used to troubleshoot applications at remote headends. This objective look at set-top box output, combined with monitoring sources and transport networks, gives operators a “complete view of picture quality” and allows them to “determine exactly where issues arise that impact the service,” a Diamonds judge said. On a final note, the WFM5250 offers the loudness monitoring capabilities needed to ensure compliance with the SCTE 197 2013 “Recommendations for Spot Check Loudness Measurements”– something the Judges called “an added bonus.”
Duration 50s