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What is IT (Interpolated Pk-Pk) Jitter value and how is it superior to histogram box technique?

Question :

What is IT (Interpolated Pk-Pk) Jitter value and how is it superior to histogram box technique?

Answer :

The histogram pk-pk value finds the min and max data points in side the histogram box.

In the above diagram, the doted lines are the overlapping periods in the clock jitter plot, the +/-5mV box represent the histogram box, The histogram technique finds the minimum and maximum value of the data points in side the histogram box for the pk-pk jitter. The rising edges, which have RED circles will not contribute in the pk-pk clock jitter value. Because of this, the pk-pk jitter calculated using the min box approach might not be accurate.

In the IT-Pk-Pk jitter, the software interpolates the data points and finds the Pk-Pk jitter. In this method all the edges will contribute to the Pk-Pk jitter value so it is superior to the min box approach

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