



TDSHT3 - DPO-MSO70000C-D-DX -SX - Win10 - V5.4.0

TDSHT3: Tektronix solution for HDMI 1.4a/b Compliance testing, enables unprecedented efficiency by offering a complete solution for reliability and automation to support the widest range of tests. The TDSHT3 embeds the HDMI 1.4a/b compliance test procedures, including software clock recovery (SoftCRU). TDSHT3 automates a comprehensive range of tests that includes Source, Sink and Cable devices. Test times for Sink devices are reduced from hours to minutes by remotely controlling the DTG and the AWG.This release of TDSHT3 - HDMI Compliance Test SoftwareAlong with previously existing features added a probe support for P77xx and P76xx .

該当製品: DPO70404C, DSA70404C, MSO70404C, DPO70604C, DSA70604C, MSO70604C, DPO70804C, DSA70804C, MSO70804C, DPO71254C, DSA71254C, MSO71254C, DPO71604C, DSA71604C, MSO71604C, DPO72004C, DSA72004C, MSO72004C, DPO72304DX, MSO72304DX, DPO72504D, DSA72504D, DPO72504DX, MSO72504DX, DPO73304D, DSA73304D, DPO73304DX, MSO73304DX, DPO72304SX, DPO73304SX
