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Model DMM7510 7-1/2 Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter Specifications

Document #SPEC-DMM7510C

Specifications are subject to change without notice.


This document contains specifications and supplemental information for the Model DMM7510 7-1/2 Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter instrument. Specifications are the standards against which the DMM7510 is tested. Upon leaving the factory, the DMM7510 meets these specifications. Supplemental and typical values are nonwarranted, apply at 23 °C, and are provided solely as useful information.

Measurement accuracies are specified at the DMM7510 terminals under these conditions:

  • Temperature 23 °C ±5 °C, 5% to 80% relative humidity, noncondensing
  • After a 90-minute warmup period
  • 1 PLC or 5 PLC measurement rate; for NPLC settings less than 1 PLC, add appropriate ppm of range for peak noise uncertainty from the RMS noise table
  • Autozero enabled unless otherwise noted
  • Remote sense operation or properly zeroed local operation
  • Calibration period: One year or two years (calibration period may vary depending on customer requirements)


  • TACAL: Ambient temperature of last automatic calibration
  • TCAL: Ambient temperature of last external calibration; factory calibration performed at 23 °C ±1 °C
  • Power Line Cycle (PLC): 16.67 ms at 60 Hz and 20 ms at 50 Hz or 400 Hz line frequency; frequency automatically sensed at power up



Range1 Resolution Input impedance Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour TCAL ±1 °C2 90 day TCAL ±5 °C 1 year TCAL ±5 °C 2 year TCAL ±5 °C Temperature coefficient3
100 mV4 10 nV > 10 GΩ or 10 MΩ ±1% 6 + 9 12 + 9 18 + 9 29 + 9 0.1 + 2.5
1 V4 100 nV > 10 GΩ or 10 MΩ ±1% 4 + 1 9 + 2 15 + 2 26 + 2 0.1 + 0.5
10 V4 1 µV > 10 GΩ or 10 MΩ ±1% 2 + 0.7 9 + 1.2 14 + 1.2 22 + 1.2 0.1 + 0.05
100 V4 10 µV 10 MΩ ±1% 8 + 3 [18 + 5]5 [22 + 5]5 [30 + 5]5 [0.15 + 0.05]5
35 + 5 40 + 5 45 + 5 2.0 + 0.5
1000 V4, 6 100 µV 10 MΩ ±1% 8 + 3 [19 + 5]5 [23 + 5]5 [31 + 5]5 [0.15 + 0.05]5
35 + 5 40 + 5 45 + 4 2.0 + 0.5

1 20% overrange on all ranges except 1% for 1000 V range.
2 Relative to calibration accuracy.
3 Add per degree from TCAL ± 5 °C.
4 When properly zeroed using the Rel function with external cables.
5 Specified within 30 days of autocalibration, TOPER ± 5 °C from TACAL.
6 For signal levels greater than 500 V, add 0.02 ppm/V to the ppm of the readings specification for measurements exceeding 500 V.

  • Applies to ± ppm of range
  • Peak noise uncertainty is included in dc specifications for ≥ 1 PLC
  • Add peak noise uncertainty to measurements for < 1 PLC
  • Input impedance set to auto
  • 10 V at 0.006 PLC: 1.2 (from Accuracy table) + 11 (additional peak noise uncertainty) = 12.2 ppm of range
  • 10 V at 1 PLC: 1.2 + 0 = 1.2 ppm of range
NPLC Digits 100 mV 1 V 10 V 100 V 1000 V
5 0.83 0.09 0.07 0.41 0.07
5 0.73 0.13 0.09 0.56 0.10
0.28 2.51 (10) 0.28 (1.6) 0.17 (1.1) 1.45 (9.4) 0.20 (1)
0.2 3.16 (12) 0.34 (1.6) 0.18 (1) 1.42 (8.9) 0.20 (1.1)
0.06 4.09 (17) 0.53 (2.7) 0.38 (2.1) 3.41 (17) 0.47 (2.4)
0.006 7.30 (42) 3.80 (18) 2.79 (11) 28.63 (100) 3.98 (18)
0.0005 39.41 (220) 27.24 (150) 33.71 (130) 151.05 (690) 40.63 (150)

7 Noise values are based on 1000 readings with autozero on and using low thermal 4-wire short. VRMS noise is typical. Additional peak noise is guaranteed.
8 With line sync on.


Range Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour TCAL ±1 °C 90 day TCAL ±5 °C 1 year TCAL ±5 °C 2 year TCAL ±5 °C Temperature coefficient9
100 mV 6 + 14 12 + 14 18 + 14 29 + 14 0.1 + 2.5
1 V 4 + 1.5 9 + 3 15 + 3 26 + 3 0.1 + 0.5
10 V 2 + 1.0 9 + 1.8 14 + 1.8 22 + 1.8 0.1 + 0.05

9 Add per degree from TCAL ± 5 °C.


For input signals ≥ 1% of the range,
ratio accuracy =
±[[VINPUT ppm of reading + VINPUT ppm of range * (VINPUT range/VINPUT input)]
+ [VSENSE ppm of reading + VSENSE ppm of range * (VSENSE range/VSENSE input)]]


ADC linearity 1.0 ppm of reading + 1.0 ppm of range
Input impedance 100 mV to 10 V ranges: Selectable > 10 GΩ ǁ < 400 pF (auto) or 10 MΩ ±1% (10 MΩ)
100 V to 1000 V ranges: 10 MΩ ±1%
Input bias current < 50 pA at 23 °C under the following conditions: Autozero off or input impedance 10 MΩ
Common mode current < 2.1 µA peak-peak in 1 MHz bandwidth
< 100 nA peak-peak in 1 kHz bandwidth
Common mode voltage 500 VPEAK LO terminal to chassis maximum
Autozero off error, dc voltage For ±1 °C and ≤ 10 minutes, add ± (8 ppm of reading + 15 µV)


For dc voltage, line frequency ±0.1%

5 PLC 1 PLC ≤ 0.2 PLC ≤ 0.01 PLC
Line sync on 110 dB 90 dB 45 dB
Line sync off 60 dB 60 dB


For dc voltage and 1 kΩ unbalanced in LO terminal; AC CMRR is 70 dB

NPLC 5 1 0.2 ≤ 0.2
Line sync On On On Off
CMRR 140 dB 140 dB 120 dB 80 dB



Range11 Resolution Test current12 (± 5%) Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour TCAL ±1 °C13 90 day TCAL ±5 °C 1 year TCAL ±5 °C 2 year TCAL ±5 °C Temperature coefficient14
1 Ω 0.1 µΩ 10 mA 15 + 50 30 + 50 30 + 50 30 + 50 0.15 + 0.1
10 Ω 1 µΩ 10 mA 15 + 5 30 + 5 30 + 5 30 + 5 0.15 + 0.1
100 Ω 10 µΩ 1 mA 12 + 4 27 + 4 27 + 4 27 + 4 0.15 + 0.1
1 kΩ 100 µΩ 1 mA 12 + 3 24 + 3 24 + 3 24 + 3 0.15 + 0.1
10 kΩ15 1 mΩ 100 µA 13 + 3 30 + 3 30 + 3 30 + 3 0.15 + 0.1
100 kΩ15,16 10 mΩ 10 µA 13 + 3 30 + 3 30 + 3 30 + 3 0.15 + 0.1
1 MΩ15,17 100 mΩ 10 µA 28 + 3 60 + 4 60 + 4 60 + 4 0.15 + 0.1
10 MΩ18 1 Ω 0.69 µA ǁ 10 MΩ 150 + 6 200 + 10 200 + 10 200 + 10 70 + 1
100 MΩ18 10 Ω 0.69 µA ǁ 10 MΩ 800 + 30 2000 + 30 2000 + 30 2000 + 30 385 + 1
1 GΩ18 100 Ω 0.69 µA ǁ 10 MΩ 9000 + 100 9000 + 100 9000 + 100 9000 + 100 3000 + 1

10 Specifications are for 4-wire resistance, offset compensation on for ≤10 kΩ measurements, and offset compensation off for ≥10 kΩ measurements. 1 Ω range is 4-wire only. For 2-wire, with Rel, add 50 mΩ to ppm of range uncertainty. Without Rel and with Model 1756 test leads, add 100 mΩ to ppm of range uncertainty.
11 20% overrange on all ranges.
12 Test current with offset compensation off.
13 Relative to calibration accuracy.
14 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C.
15 Specifications are for external cable and load capacitance < 1 nF.
16 For offset compensation on, add 10 ppm uncertainty to ppm of reading.
17 For 4-wire 1 MΩ, open lead detector on, add 10 ppm uncertainty to ppm of reading.
18 Specified for < 10% lead resistance mismatch in HI and LO.


Range20 Resolution Test current21 (± 5%) Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour
TCAL ±1 °C13
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
2 year
TCAL ±5 °C
Temperature coefficient23
1 Ω 0.1 µΩ 10 mA 15 + 50 40 + 50 50 + 50 70 + 50 2.5 + 5
10 Ω 1 µΩ 10 mA 15 + 5 40 + 5 50 + 5 70 + 5 2.5 + 0.5
100 Ω 10 µΩ 1 mA 12 + 4 35 + 4 47 + 4 65 + 4 5 + 0.25
1 kΩ 100 µΩ 1 mA 12 + 3 30 + 3 41 + 3 65 + 3 5 + 0.25
10 kΩ24 1 mΩ 100 µA 10 + 3 30 + 3 42 + 3 65 + 3 2.5 + 0.25
100 kΩ24,25 10 mΩ 10 µA 13 + 3 38 + 3 50 + 3 65 + 3 5 + 1
1 MΩ24,26 100 mΩ 10 µA 28 + 3 75 + 5 100 + 5 130 + 5 5 + 1
10 MΩ27 1 Ω 0.69 µA ǁ 10 MΩ 150 + 6 200 + 10 400 + 10 600 + 12 70 + 1
100 MΩ27 10 Ω 0.69 µA ǁ 10 MΩ 800 + 30 2000 + 30 2000 + 30 2600 + 30 385 + 1
1 GΩ27 100 Ω 0.69 µA ǁ 10 MΩ 9000 + 200 9000 + 200 13000 + 200 14000 + 200 3000 + 1


Range20 2-wire Offset compensation off 4-wire Offset compensation on 4-wire
1 Ω 9.2 V 9.5 V
10 Ω 9.2 V 9.2 V 9.5 V
100 Ω, 1 kΩ 14.0 V 14.2 V 14.3 V
10 kΩ 9.5 V 9.5 V 0.0 V
100 kΩ, 1 MΩ 12.7 V 14.3 V 0.0 V (100 kΩ range only)
10 MΩ to 1 GΩ 6.9 V 6.9 V

19 Specifications are for 4-wire resistance, offset compensation on for ≤10 kΩ measurements, and offset compensation off for ≥10 kΩ measurements. 1 Ω range is 4-wire only. For 2-wire, with Rel, add 50 mΩ to ppm of range uncertainty. Without Rel and with Model 1756 test leads, add 100 mΩ to ppm of range uncertainty.
20 20% overrange on all ranges.
21 Test current with offset compensation off.
22 Relative to calibration accuracy.
23 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C.
24 Specifications are for external cable and load capacitance < 1 nF.
25 For offset compensation on, add 10 ppm of uncertainty to ppm of reading.
26 For 4-wire, 1 MΩ, open lead detection on, add 10 ppm uncertainty to ppm of reading.
27 Specified for < 10% lead resistance mismatch in HI and LO.
28 Open circuit voltage is typical, measured from input HI to LO, SHI and SLO open. For 1 Ω to 1 MΩ ranges using an external digital multimeter (DMM) set to 10 MΩ input impedance; for 10 MΩ to 1 GΩ ranges, set external DMM to >10 GΩ input impedance.


  • Applies to ± ppm of range
  • Peak noise uncertainty is included in dc specifications for ≥ 1 PLC
  • Add peak noise uncertainty to measurements for < 1 PLC
  • 1 kΩ at 0.006 PLC: 3 (from Accuracy table) + 26 (additional peak noise uncertainty) = 29 ppm of range
  • 1 kΩ at 1 PLC: 3 + 0 = 3 ppm of range
NPLC Digits 1 Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ 10 kΩ
5 3.49 0.35 0.35 0.08 0.35
1 7.81 0.79 0.78 0.16 0.78
0.230 51.87 (160) 5.09 (13) 5.21 (13) 0.61 (2.6) 1.78 (8.2)
0.2 68.32 (250) 6.76 (22) 6.8 (22) 0.85 (3.2) 1.78 (8.3)
0.06 123.35 (490) 12.33 (47) 12.36 (46) 1.30 (6.6) 3.48 (16)
0.006 140.23 (710) 14.53 (70) 14.20 (70) 4.87 (26) 14.14 (60)
0.0005 676.58 (3420) 67.39 (340) 67.86 (340) 46.48 (220) 58.49 (300)


  • Applies to ± ppm of range
  • Peak noise uncertainty is included in dc specifications for ≥ 1 PLC
  • Add peak noise uncertainty to measurements for < 1 PLC
  • 10 kΩ at 0.006 PLC: 3 (from Accuracy table) + 5 (50 mΩ with Rel ) + 43 (additional peak noise uncertainty) = 51 ppm of range
  • 10 kΩ at 1 PLC: 3 + 5 + 0 = 8 ppm of range
NPLC Digits 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ 10 kΩ
5 1.35 0.89 0.15 0.26
1 0.78 0.77 0.11 0.55
0.230 2.73 (17) 2.82 (10) 0.30 (1.5) 1.27 (6.3)
0.2 3.27 (17) 3.29 (14) 0.33 (1.6) 1.27 (6.4)
0.06 4.28 (22) 4.21 (19) 0.51 (3.7) 2.38 (12)
0.006 7.79 (50) 8.17 (50) 3.58 (21) 9.49 (43)
0.0005 40.76 (300) 51.31 (230) 27.82 (150) 34.53 (210)

29 Noise values are based on 1000 readings with autozero on and using low thermal 4-wire short. RMS noise is typical. Additional peak noise is guaranteed.
30 With line sync on.


Maximum 4-wire ohms lead resistance 5 Ω per lead for 1 Ω range, 10% of range per lead for 10 Ω to 1 kΩ ranges; 1 kΩ per lead for all other ranges
Offset compensation Selectable on 4-wire, 1 Ω to 100 kΩ ranges
Open lead detector Default is off
Autozero off error For 2-wire ohms, ±1 °C and ≤ 10 minutes, add ±(8 ppm of reading) and 1.5 mΩ for 10 Ω range, 15 mΩ for 100 Ω and 1 kΩ ranges, 150 mΩ for 10 kΩ range, 1.5 Ω for 100 kΩ range, and 15 Ω for all other ranges
For 4-wire ohms, ±1 °C and ≤ 10 minutes, add ±(8 ppm of reading)
Input current limit For signals with a magnitude of +12 V to +40 V or −12 V to −40 V: ±13 mA source or sink, typical
For signals with a magnitude of greater than +40 V or −40 V: ±130 µA source or sink, typical



Range31 Resolution Test current35 (±5%) Open circuit DUT voltage32 Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour
TCAL ±1 °C33
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
2 year
TCAL ±5 °C
Temperature coefficient34
1 Ω 1 µΩ 10 mA 25 mV 25 + 80 50 + 80 50 + 80 50 + 80 1.5 + 0.1
10 Ω 10 µΩ 1 mA 25 mV 25 + 80 50 + 80 50 + 80 50 + 80 1.5 + 0.1
100 Ω 100 µΩ 100 µA 25 mV 25 + 80 90 + 80 90 + 80 90 + 80 1.5 + 0.1
1 kΩ 1 mΩ 10 µA 25 mV 25 + 80 180 + 80 180 + 80 180 + 80 1.5 + 0.1
10 kΩ 10 mΩ 5 µA 25 mV 25 + 80 320 + 80 320 + 80 320 + 80 1.5 + 0.1


Range31 Resolution Test current35
Open circuit DUT voltage32 Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour
TCAL ±1 °C33
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
2 year
TCAL ±5 °C
Temperature coefficient34
1 Ω 1 µΩ 10 mA 25 mV 25 + 80 50 + 80 70 + 80 90 + 80 2.5 + 1
10 Ω 10 µΩ 1 mA 25 mV 25 + 80 50 + 80 70 + 80 90 + 80 5 + 1
100 Ω 100 µΩ 100 µA 25 mV 25 + 80 90 + 80 140 + 80 200 + 80 2.5 + 1
1 kΩ 1 mΩ 10 µA 25 mV 25 + 80 180 + 80 400 + 80 600 + 80 5 + 1
10 kΩ 10 mΩ 5 µA 25 mV 25 + 80 320 + 80 800 + 80 1300 + 80 8 + 1

31 20% overrange on all ranges, except 2.4 kΩ for the 10 K range.
32 Maximum clamp voltages are dc, typical accuracy is ±20%. Add 20% for offset compensation on.
33 Relative to calibration accuracy.
34 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C.
35 Test current with offset compensation off.

  • Applies to ± ppm of range
  • Peak noise uncertainty is included in dc specifications for ≥ 1 PLC
  • Add peak noise uncertainty to measurements for < 1 PLC
  • 10 Ω at 0.2 PLC: 80 (from Accuracy table) + 230 (additional peak noise uncertainty) = 310 ppm of range
  • 10 Ω at 1 PLC: 80 + 0 = 80 ppm of range
NPLC Digits 1 Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ 10 kΩ
5 10.00 11.00 6.00 5.00 0.90
1 10.90 10.70 12.41 11.84 1.72
0.237 50.50 (130) 51.44 (120) 52.76 (120) 49.96 (120) 8.83 (16)
0.2 88.50 (220) 90.19 (230) 88.69 (190) 83.66 (190) 15.01 (35)
0.06 94.29 (350) 94.73 (350) 72.20 (290) 68.32 (280) 23.30 (90)
0.006 159.87 (750) 154.33 (830) 144.15 (700) 137.71 (690) 27.27 (110)
0.0005 657.22 (3550) 666.79 (3520) 678.67 (3380) 655.82 (3370) 131.78 (670)


Maximum 4-wire ohm lead resistance 0.5 Ω per lead for 1 Ω range
10% of range per lead for 10 Ω to 100 Ω ranges
50 Ω per lead for 1 kΩ to 10 kΩ ranges
Input current limit For signals > [±20 mV], current limited, ±13 mA, typical
Offset compensation Selectable on 1 Ω to 10 kΩ ranges
Autozero off error For ±1 °C and ≤ 10 minutes, add ± 8 ppm of reading

36 Noise values are based on 1000 readings with autozero on and using low thermal 4-wire short. RMS noise is typical. Additional peak noise is guaranteed.

37 With line sync on.



Range38 Resolution Maximum
Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour
TCAL ±1 °C39
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
2 year
TCAL ±5 °C
Temperature coefficient40
10 µA 1 pA 15 mV 30 + 30 75 + 30 75 + 30 75 + 30 0.15 + 1
100 µA 10 pA 15 mV 20 + 5 60 + 9 60 + 9 60 + 9 0.15 + 1
1 mA 100 pA 15 mV 30 + 5 60 + 9 60 + 9 60 + 9 0.15 + 1
10 mA 1 nA 20 mV 40 + 5 60 + 9 60 + 9 60 + 9 0.15 + 1
100 mA 10 nA 200 mV 50 + 18 150 + 30 150 + 30 150 + 30 0.15 + 1
1 A 100 nA 400 mV 150 + 50 400 + 50 400 + 50 400 + 50 0.15 + 1
3 A 1 µA 1300 mV 200 + 40 400 + 40 400 + 40 400 + 40 0.15 + 1
10 A41 1 µA 650 mV 700 + 275 800 + 275 1500 + 275 2000 + 275 50 + 10


Range38 Resolution Maximum
Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of range]
24 hour
TCAL ±1 °C39
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
2 year
TCAL ±5 °C
Temperature coefficient40
10 µA 1 pA 15 mV 30 + 30 100 + 30 125 + 40 175 + 50 10 + 8
100 µA 10 pA 15 mV 20 + 5 75 + 12 100 + 15 150 + 20 10 + 3
1 mA 100 pA 15 mV 30 + 5 75 + 12 100 + 15 150 + 20 10 + 3
10 mA 1 nA 20 mV 40 + 5 75 + 12 100 + 15 150 + 20 10 + 3
100 mA 10 nA 200 mV 50 + 18 300 + 30 400 + 30 500 + 30 50 + 5
1 A 100 nA 400 mV 150 + 50 400 + 50 450 + 50 500 + 50 10 + 10
3 A 1 µA 1300 mV 200 + 40 400 + 40 450 + 40 500 + 40 10 + 10
10 A41 1 µA 650 mV 700 + 275 800 + 275 1500 + 275 2000 + 275 50 + 10

38 20% overrange supported for all ranges except for 3 A and 10 A, which are 1% supported.
39 Relative to calibration accuracy.
40 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C.
41 Rear input terminals only.

  • Applies to ± ppm of range
  • Peak noise uncertainty is included in dc specifications for ≥ 1 PLC
  • Add peak noise uncertainty to measurements for < 1 PLC
  • 1 mA at 0.006 PLC: 9 (from Accuracy table) + 20 (additional peak noise uncertainty) = 29 ppm of range
  • 1 mA at 1 PLC: 9 + 0 = 9 ppm of range
NPLC Digits 10 µA 100 µA 1 mA 10 mA 100 mA 1 A 3 A 10 A43
5 0.20 0.14 0.09 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.23 0.82
1 0.55 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.74 0.71 0.40 1.65
0.244 2.20 (220) 0.40 (23) 0.30 (3.4) 0.31 (1.6) 2.41 (10) 2.40 (11) 0.89 (4.6) 5.47 (32)
0.2 215.45 (260) 21.43 (26) 2.10 (3.8) 0.36 (1.8) 2.69 (9.8) 2.97 (10) 1.09 (5) 8.88 (37)
0.06 228.95 (280) 22.84 (29) 2.31 (5.6) 0.57 (3.9) 3.33 (14) 3.46 (14) 1.66 (7.7) 12.72 (59)
0.006 233.95 (350) 23.99 (42) 3.62 (20) 2.89 (20) 6.43 (30) 6.05 (31) 8.71 (51) 20.00 (110)
0.0005 584.61 (2110) 62.60 (300) 28.73 (150) 28.88 (160) 34.88 (190) 35.04 (190) 91.84 (510) 74.86 (420)

42 Noise values are based on 1000 readings with autozero on and AMPS terminal open. RMS noise is typical. Additional peak noise is guaranteed.

Range 10 µA 100 µA 1 mA 10 mA 100 mA 1 A 3 A 10 A43
Effective internal shunt value45 1 kΩ 100 Ω 10 Ω 1 Ω 1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.005 Ω
Autozero off error: For ±1 °C and ≤ 10 minutes add ±(8 ppm of reading + range error) 150 pA 1.5 nA 15 nA 150 nA 15 µA 150 µA 150 µA 3 mA

Overload recovery:
For each additional sustained amp beyond ±1.5 A,
add the following initial ppm of range error until thermally settled after overload recovery

15500 1800 150 150 6500 200

43 Rear input terminals only.
44 With line sync on.
45 Values are typical and guaranteed by design.



Types: 100 Ω platinum PT100, D100, F100, PT385, PT3916; or user-configurable 0 Ω to 10 kΩ

Type Range Resolution Accuracy ± °C

2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C

Temperature coefficient46
4-Wire RTD −200 °C to 850 °C 0.01 °C 0.06 °C 0.003 °C /°C
3-Wire RTD47 −200 °C to 850 °C 0.01 °C 0.75 °C 0.003 °C /°C


Types: 2.252 kΩ, 5 kΩ, and 10 kΩ

Type Range Resolution Accuracy ± °C
2 year TCAL ± 5 °C Temperature coefficient46
Thermistor −80 °C to + 150 °C 0.01 °C 0.08 °C 0.002 °C /°C


Types: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T

Type Range Resolution Accuracy ± °C
2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C46
Temperature coefficient50
 B 350 °C to +1820 °C  0.1 °C  0.6 °C  0.03 °C /°C 
E −200 °C to +1000 °C 0.001 °C 0.2 °C 0.03 °C /°C
J −200 °C to +760 °C 0.001 °C 0.2 °C 0.03 °C /°C
K −200 °C to +1372 °C 0.001 °C 0.2 °C 0.03 °C /°C
N −200 °C to +1300 °C 0.001 °C 0.2 °C 0.03 °C /°C
R 0 °C to +1768 °C 0.1 °C 0.6 °C 0.03 °C /°C
S 0 °C to +1768 °C 0.1 °C 0.6 °C 0.03 °C /°C
T −100 °C to +400 °C 0.001 °C 0.2 °C 0.03 °C /°C

46 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C; specifications without autocalibration.
47 For 3-wire RTD, accuracy is for < 0.1 Ω lead resistance mismatch for input HI and LO. Add 0.25 °C/ 0.1 Ω of HI-LO lead resistance mismatch.
48 Exclusive of cold-junction errors.


Range48 Resolution Test Current Open circuit voltage Accuracy ± [ppm of reading + ppm of range]
2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
Temperature coefficient46
1 kΩ 100 mΩ 1 mA 14.0 V 100 + 100 2.5 + 1


Continuity high limit User-selectable; default 10 Ω


Accuracies specified for additional cable and stray capacitance properly zeroed with the Rel function.


Range51 Resolution Charge current52,53 Maximum circuit voltage Accuracy ± [% of reading + % of range]
2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
Temperature coefficient50
1 nF 0.1 pF 1.1 µA 2.8 V 1 + 0.2 0.15 + 0.05
10 nF 1 pF 1.1 µA 2.8 V 1 + 0.1 0.15 + 0.01
100 nF 10 pF 10 µA 3 V 0.4 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.01
1 µF 0.1 nF 100 µA 3 V 0.4 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.01
10 µF 1 nF 100 µA 3 V 0.4 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.01
100 µF 10 nF 1 mA 3 V 0.4 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.01
1 mF 0.1 µF 10 mA 4 V 0.5 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.01


bias current
(± 5%)
Resolution Accuracy ± [ppm of reading + ppm of range]
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
Temperature coefficient50
10 μA, 100 μA 10 V 12 V 1 μV  20 + 5 30 + 5 45 + 5 2.5 + 1
1 mA  10 V 12 V  1 μV  25 + 10  38 + 10 56 + 10 3 + 2
10 mA   10 V  5 V 1 μV  500 + 5 750 + 50 1125 + 50 50 + 10

49 Specifications exclude lead resistance.
50 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C; specifications without autocalibration.
51 20% overrange on all ranges.
52 Charging current values are typical, guaranteed by design.
53 Discharge current limited to < 13 mA.



Range54,55 Resolution56 Input impedance57 Accuracy ± [ppm of reading + ppm of range]
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
Temperature coefficient58
100 mV 1 µV > 10 GΩ or 10 MΩ ±1% 210 + 100 220 + 100 230 + 100 15 + 20
1 V 10 µV > 10 GΩ or 10 MΩ ±1% 110 + 75 120 + 75 130 + 75 15 + 20
10 V 0.1 mV > 10 GΩ or 10 MΩ ±1% 110 + 75 120 + 75 130 + 75 10 + 20
100 V59 1 mV 10 MΩ ±1% 110 + 75 120 + 75 130 + 75 15 + 20
1000 V60 10 mV 10 MΩ ±1% 110 + 75 120 + 75 130 + 75 10 + 20



Range Analog bandwidth
(−3 dB)
Maximum flatness error
3 Hz to 20 kHz64
20 kHz signal
(−1 dB FS)65
Settling time
Settling time, filter fast,

Settling time, filter slow,

Low frequency
ac coupling
(−3 dB) point66
100 mV 600 kHz 0.015 dB 0.04% 5 µs 80 ms 2.3 s 1 Hz
1 mV 600 kHz 0.01 dB 0.03% 6 µs 80 ms 2.5 s 1 Hz
10 mV 600 kHz 0.01 dB 0.01% 4 µs 80 ms 2.5 s 1 Hz


Range Analog bandwidth
(−3 dB)
Maximum flatness error
3 Hz to 20 kHz64
Total harmonic distortion (THD)
1 kHz signal
(−1 dB FS)65
Settling time
100 V 15 kHz67 0.1 dB 1.3% 160 µs
1000 V 20 kHz 0.1 dB 1.8% 80 µs

54 For dc coupling, 20% overrange for 100 mV to 100 V. For ac coupling, 500% overrange 100 mV to 100 V. 1% for 1000 V range dc and ac coupling.
55 Accuracy with sample rate 1 k per second, aperture auto, and 100 reading buffer average.
56 Power up default is 4½ digits.
57 User-selectable.
58 Add per degree from TCAL ± 5%.
59 For 100 V range, input impedance auto and without AACAL, add 100 ppm of range additional uncertainty and 15 ppm/°C additional uncertainty for "of range" temperature coefficient for operation outside of TCAL ±5 °C.
60 For signal levels greater than 500 V, add 0.02 ppm/V to the ppm of the readings specification for measurements exceeding 500 V.
61 Accuracy with sample rate 1 M per second and aperture 1 µs.
62 Verified with sine wave input and dc content ≤ 3% of range.
63 For ac coupling, maximum crest factor of 5.
64 For dc coupled, 0 dB reference frequency is 3 Hz. For ac coupled, 0 dB reference frequency is 1 kHz. For ac coupled operation below 1 kHz, add 0.1 dB.
65 Exclusive of source input noise.
66 With ac coupling frequency = 3 Hz and ac coupling filter = Slow.
67 For input impedance auto, bandwidth is 6 kHz.


Range Analog bandwidth (-3 dB) Maximum flatness error 3 Hz to 20 kHz64 Filter Fast settling time (0.5%) Filter Slow settling time (0.5%) Low frequency coupling point66 (-3 dB)
100.000 V 600 kHz 0.1 dB 80 ms 2.3 s 1 Hz
1000.00 V 600 kHz 0.1 dB 80 ms 2.3 s 1 Hz


DMM7510 RMS noise, digitize voltage 

68 Specified with aperture Auto and 4-wire short on input terminals. For 100 V range, input impedance 10 MΩ, multiply by 2.5. For all ranges and sample rate > 1 k, add an additional 3× RMS noise uncertainty to ppm of range.


DMM7510 total harmonic distortion, digitize voltage 



69 Specified with aperture Auto, 100 Hz sine wave for sample rate ≤ 5 k, and 1 kHz sine wave for sample rate ≥ 10 k. Distortion is calculated using first five harmonics.
70 Specified with aperture Auto, 100 Hz sine wave for sample rate ≤5 k, and 1 kHz sine wave for sample rate ≥10 k. For the 100 V and 1000 V ranges, use the 1 V and 10 V range ENOB, respectively; guaranteed by design.



Range72 Resolution73 Burden Voltage Accuracy ±  ± [ppm of reading + ppm of range]
90 day
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
2 year
TCAL ± 5 °C
Temperature coefficient74
10 µA 0.1 nA 15 mV 150 + 75 160 + 75 170 + 75 30 + 15
100 µA 1 nA 15 mV 150 + 75 160 + 75 170 + 75 30 + 15
1 mA 10 nA 15 mV 150 + 75 160 + 75 170 + 75 30 + 15
10 mA 100 nA 20 mV 150 + 75 160 + 75 170 + 75 30 + 15
100 mA 1 µA 200 mV 340 + 100 450 + 100 560 + 100 50 + 20
1 A 10 µA 400 mV 400 + 110 500 + 110 600 + 110 50 + 25
3 A 100 µA 1300 mV 650 + 150 900 + 150 900 + 150 50 + 25
10 A75 100 µA 650 mV 950 + 350 1500 + 350 2000 + 350 50 + 25


Range72 Maximum flatness error
3 Hz to 20 kHz
Analog bandwidth
(−3 dB)
Total harmonic distortion (THD)
20 kHz signal
(−1 dB FS)
Settling time, dc-coupled
10 µA 0.15 dB 100 kHz 0.02% 8 µs
100 µA 0.15 dB 100 kHz 0.01% 7 µs
1 mA 0.1 dB 100 kHz 0.01% 3 µs
10 mA 0.1 dB 100 kHz 0.01% 8 µs
100 mA 0.1 dB 100 kHz 0.02% 5 µs
1 A77 0.1 dB 100 kHz 0.02% 6 µs
3 A77 0.1 dB 100 kHz 0.02% 6 µs
10 A75, 77, 78 0.1 dB 100 kHz 0.02% 6 µs

71 Accuracy with sample rate 1 k per second, aperture auto, and 100 reading buffer average.
72 20% overrange on all ranges except 3.3% for 3 A and 10 A ranges.
73 Power up default is 4½ digits.
74 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C.
75 Rear input terminals only.
76 Verified with sine wave input and dc content ≤ 3% of range. For flatness error, 0 dB reference frequency is 3 Hz.
77 For the 1 A, 3 A, and 10 A ranges, use the 100 mA range accuracy; guaranteed by design.
78 10 A flatness verified to 10 kHz; 100 kHz guaranteed by design.


DMM7510 RMS noise, digitize current 


DMM7510 total harmonic distortion, digitize current 

79 Specified with aperture Auto and open input terminals. For all ranges and for ≥1 k sample rate, add an additional 3 × RMS noise uncertainty to ppm of range.
80 Specified with aperture Auto, 100 Hz sine wave for sample rate ≤ 5 k, and 1 kHz sine wave for sample rate ≥ 10 k. Distortion is calculated using first five harmonics. For the 1 A, 3 A, and 10 A ranges, use the 100 mA range accuracy; guaranteed by design.




Maximum resolution 18 bits
Measurement input coupling Voltage only, dc or ac
Sampling rate82 Programmable 1 k through 1 M samples per second
Volatile sample memory with timestamp 27.5 million
Minimum sampling time 1 µs
Timestamp resolution 1 ns with standard or full buffer style
1 µs with compact buffer style
Timestamp accuracy With standard or full buffer style, 20 ns between adjacent readings, with total buffer time < 2 s
With compact buffer style, 2 µs adjacent readings, with total buffer time < 2 s
Maximum sample memory 8 million

81 Specified with aperture Auto, 100 Hz sine wave for sample rate ≤5 k, and 1 kHz sine wave for sample rate ≥10 k. For the 1 A, 3 A, and 10 A ranges, use the 100 mA ENOB; guaranteed by design.
82 Sample rate is not continuously adjustable. For valid discrete settings, see the Model DMM7510 Reference Manual.


Function Range83 Resolution 1 year accuracy: ± (% of reading + % of range) TCAL ± 5 °C
3 Hz to
5 Hz
5 Hz to
10 Hz
10 Hz to
20 kHz
20 kHz to
50 kHz
50 kHz to
100 kHz
100 kHz to
300 kHz
Voltage84 100 mV 0.1 µV 1.0 + 0.03 0.30 + 0.03 0.06 + 0.03 0.14 + 0.05 0.6 + 0.08 4.0 + 0.5
1 V 1 µV 1.0 + 0.03 0.30 + 0.03 0.06 + 0.03 0.14 + 0.05 0.6 + 0.08 4.0 + 0.5
10 V 10 µV 1.0 + 0.03 0.30 + 0.03 0.06 + 0.03 0.14 + 0.05 0.6 + 0.08 4.0 + 0.5
100 V 100 µV 1.0 + 0.03 0.30 + 0.03 0.06 + 0.03 0.14 + 0.05 0.6 + 0.08 4.0 + 0.5
700 V 1 mV 1.0 + 0.03 0.30 + 0.03 0.06 + 0.03 0.14 + 0.05 0.6 + 0.08 4.0 + 0.5
Temperature coefficient / °C
(all ranges)85
0.01 + 0.003 0.03 + 0.003 0.05 + 0.003 0.006 + 0.005 0.01 + 0.006 0.03 + 0.01
Function Range83 Resolution 1 year accuracy: ± (% of reading + % of range) TCAL ± 5 °C
3 Hz to 5 Hz 5 Hz to 10 Hz 10 Hz to 2 kHz 2 kHz to 5 kHz 5 kHz to 10 kHz
Current84 1 mA 1 nA 1.0 + 0.04 0.30 + 0.04 0.08 + 0.03 0.09 + 0.03 0.09 + 0.03
10 mA 10 nA 1.0 + 0.04 0.30 + 0.04 0.08 + 0.03 0.09 + 0.03 0.09 + 0.03
100 mA 100 nA 1.0 + 0.04 0.30 + 0.04 0.08 + 0.03 0.09 + 0.03 0.09 + 0.03
1 A 1 µA 1.0 + 0.04 0.30 + 0.04 0.20 + 0.04 0.88 + 0.04 2.0 + 0.04
3 A 1 µA 1.0 + 0.05 0.30 + 0.05 0.20 + 0.05 0.88 + 0.05 2.0 + 0.05
10 A85 10 µA 1.0 + 0.05 0.40 + 0.05 0.40 + 0.05 0.88 + 0.05 2.0 + 0.05
Temperature coefficient / °C
(all ranges)85
0.10 + 0.004 0.030 + 0.004 0.005 + 0.003 0.006 + 0.005 0.006 + 0.005


Additional uncertainty ±(% of reading),
lower frequency uncertainty
Detector bandwidth (BW)
3 BW (3 Hz to 300 kHz) 30 BW (30 Hz to 300 kHz) 300 BW (300 Hz to 300 kHz)
20 Hz to 30 Hz 0 0.3
30 Hz to 50 Hz 0 0
50 Hz to 100 Hz 0 0 4.0
100 Hz to 200 Hz 0 0 0.72
200 Hz to 300 Hz 0 0 0.18
300 Hz to 500 Hz 0 0 0.07
> 500 Hz 0 0 0

83 20% overrange on ac functions except 1% on 700 V, 3.33% on 3 A and 1% on 10 A. Default resolution is 6½ digits.
84 Specifications are for detector bandwidth of 3 Hz and sine wave inputs > 5% of range. Detector bandwidth of 3 Hz and 30 Hz are multisample A/D conversions. Detector bandwidth of 300 Hz is a single A/D conversion, programmable from 0.0005 PLC to 15 PLC (60 Hz), 12 PLC (50 Hz). Default condition set to 1 PLC.
85 Add per degree from TCAL ±5 °C; specifications without autocalibration.
86 Rear input terminals only.


Additional uncertainty ± (% of reading)

Input signal frequency Detector bandwidth Crest factor
Maximum crest factor: 5 at range full scale
1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5
3 Hz to 5 Hz 3 Hz 1.00 4.00 4.80 5.00
5 Hz to 10 Hz 3 Hz 0.50 1.20 1.30 1.40
10 Hz to 30 Hz 3 Hz 0.20 0.30 0.60 0.90
5 Hz to 100 Hz 30 Hz 0.20 0.30 0.60 0.90
100 Hz to 300 Hz 30 Hz 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.40
100 Hz to 300 Hz 300 Hz 0.50 1.20 1.30 1.50
500 Hz to 10 kHz 300 Hz 0.05 0.15 0.30 1.20


Measurement method Uses ac-coupled true RMS
Input impedance 1 MΩ ± 2% ǁ < 150 pF
Volt*Hertz product < 2.1 x 107 V*Hz verified; input frequency verified for < 300 kHz


Measurement method Uses ac-coupled true RMS
Range 1 mA 10 mA 100 mA 1 A 3 A 10 A88
Burden voltage (RMS) < 16 mV < 20 mV < 0.2 V < 0.4 V < 1.3 V < 0.65 V
Overload recovery:
For each additional sustained ampere beyond ±1.5 A,
add the following initial % of range error until thermally
settled after overload recovery
0.006 0.006 0.12 0.05

87 Applies for non-sine wave inputs, DC content ≤ 3% of range, maximum crest factor ≤ 5.0.
88 Rear input terminals only.



Aperture Measurement resolution Accuracy ±[ppm of reading + ppm of aperture time]
Frequency: 3 Hz to 500 kHz
Period: 333 ms to 2 µs
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
1 year
TCAL ±5 °C
250 ms 0.1 ppm 80 + 0.333 160 + 0.333
100 ms 0.1 ppm 80 + 3.33 160 + 3.33
10 ms 0.1 ppm 80 + 33.3 160 + 33.3


Threshold range Threshold resolution Accuracy ±[% of range]
2 year
TCAL ±5 °C
100 mV to 700 V 0.05% 1.0%


Measurement method Reciprocal counting technique
Aperture 10 ms to 273 ms; default is 10 ms

89 Specified for square wave inputs. Input signal must be >10% of ACV range. If input is <20 mV on the 100 mV range, then the frequency must be >10 Hz. For sine wave inputs, frequency must be >100 Hz. For frequencies ≤100 Hz, threshold level ≤50% of input signal and ≤7 Hz, threshold level ≤3% of range.
90 Threshold range is voltage RMS and threshold level voltage peak. Specified with 1 KHz square wave. 100 V and 700 V threshold ranges guaranteed by design.

TYPICAL READING RATES, 60 Hz (50 Hz) OPERATION91, 92, 93, 94

dc voltage (10 V)
2-wire ohms (≤ 10 kΩ)
dc current (1 mA)
4-wire ohms (≤ 1 kΩ)
4-wire / 3-wire RTD
Dry circuit (≤ 1 kΩ)
NPLC Digits Measurements into buffer Measurements into computer Measurements into buffer Measurements into computer Measurements into buffer Measurements into computer Measurements into buffer Measurements into computer
1 59.8 (49.8) 58 (48) 29 (24) 28 (24) 57 (48) 57 (48) 27 (23) 26 (22)
0.2 295 (240) 250 (210) 128 (109) 119 (100) 230 (200) 230 (200) 100 (89) 96 (85)
0.06 965 (810) 950 (800) 310 (280) 315 (280) 900 (750) 900 (750) 190 (180) 190 (180)
0.006 7500 (6700) 7300 (6500) 750 (730) 740 (720) 6800 (6000) 6800 (6000) 295 (290) 295 (290)
0.0005 26000 (26000) 24000 (24000) 860 (860) 860 (860) 18000 (18000) 18000 (18000) 310 (310) 310 (310)


ac voltage, ac current
Detector bandwidth (Hz) Digits Measurements into buffer Measurements into computer
3 0.5 (0.5) 0.5 (0.5)
30 3.3 (3.3) 3.3 (3.3)
30095 59.8 (49.8) 55 (46)
30095 26200 (26200) 24500 (24500)


Sampling rates
(samples per second)
Digits Resolution Measurements into computer94
10,000 18 Up to 9,700 readings per second
20,000 16 Up to 19,000 readings per second
50,000 16 Up to 44,400 readings per second
100,000 15 Up to 80,000 readings per second
1,000,000 up to eight second maximum duration 12 At least 108,000 readings per second

91 Reading speeds for autozero off, fixed range, autodelay off. Offset compensation off and open lead detector off where applicable.
92 Buffer measurements: For < 0.2 PLC, multisample, single buffer transfer binary reading only.
93 PC measurements: For 1 and 0.2 PLC single reading and single transfer to computer (USB).
94 Reading rates using factory default operating conditions and autorange off, autodelay off. Speeds include measurement and data transfer out of the USB. ≥1000 readings with 4-byte binary transfer over USB.
95 For bandwidth 300 Hz, autozero off, 6½ digits at 1 PLC, 3½ digits at 0.0005 PLC.


  • Mode: 3½ digit, autozero off, autorange off, threshold autorange off, 0.0005 PLC, excludes measurement time
  • Time includes function change from DC voltage or 2-wire ohms to listed function
Function Function change (ms) Range change (ms)
DC voltage or 2-wire ohms (< 10 kΩ) 6 1.3
4-wire ohms (< 10 kΩ) 7 1.3
DC current 7 1.3
Frequency or period96 7 1.3
AC voltage or ac current 7 1.3
Digitize voltage or current 7 1.3

96 For dc voltage or 2-wire ohms to frequency or period, 10 ms aperture. For ac current or ac voltage, detector bandwidth is 300 Hz.


Function change times apply to the ranges listed in the table below.

Function Range
DC voltage 10 V
2-wire or 4-wire ohms 1 kΩ
DC current 1 mA
Dry-circuit ohms 10 Ω
Thermocouple Use dc voltage rates
Thermistor Use 2-wire ohms rates
AC current 1 mA
AC voltage 1 V


Buffer transfer speed (binary) Measurements into computer (per second)
Average for 1000 readings 280000 270000 190000
Average for 1000 readings with timestamp 170000 140000 100000


Time base accuracy 25 ppm
Trigger source Analog dc voltage, dc current, or any system trigger
Trigger coupling DC or ac (dc voltage function only)
Input trigger latency97, 98, 99 < 225 ns
Input trigger jitter97, 98 < 50 ns
Sample period jitter97, 98 < 1 ns


EXT TRIG IN and OUT 0 V to 5 V logic signal input and output, TTL-compatible
EXT trigger latency (IN and OUT) < 400 ns
EXT trigger latency (IN or OUT) < 200 ns (guaranteed by design)



Trigger characteristics Voltage input Current input
Input range 100 mV to 1000 V 10 µA to 10 A
Resolution 0.05% 0.05%
Basic accuracy (TACAL ±5 °C)102, 103 ±1% ±1%


Digital I/O External
Positive logic 800 ns + 40 ns jitter 930 ns + 40 ns jitter
Negative logic 800 ns + 40 ns jitter 840 ns + 40 ns jitter


Window filter size 0 to 10% of reading, where 0 averages all readings
Memory Up to 27.5 million timestamped readings with the compact buffer style, with additional memory available using an external USB flash drive
Maximum internal memory (buffer) 27.5 million readings with the compact buffer style (6½-digit without formatting); 11 million readings with the standard or full buffer styles

97 Guaranteed by design; for digital I/O only.
98 Stimulus command required to meet specifications.
99 If using trigger model, add 200 ns uncertainty.
100 For dc or ac coupled, the trigger level can be set up to 100% of measure range.
101 Rising or falling edge triggering supported. Window trigger requires setting two independent levels.
102 Trigger event occurs after the threshold crossing at a time determined by total trigger latencies.
103 Accuracy specifications require user ACAL and are verified with level trigger amplitude set to 50% of range with a 100 Hz sine wave at 100% full scale of range. High frequency rejection is off. NPLC 0.0005 (dc voltage/dc current) or aperture 1 µs for digitize voltage or digitize current. Specified for fixed range, autozero off. For digitized dc voltage ac coupled, add 0.5%. For dc current and digitized dc current 3 A or 10 A ranges, add an additional 2%.



This document contains specifications and supplemental information for the DMM7510 Precision Sampling Digital Multimeter instrument. Specifications are the standards against which the DMM7510 is tested. Upon leaving the factory, the DMM7510 meets these specifications. Supplemental, typical, and characteristic values are non-warranted, apply at 23 °C, and are provided solely as useful information. All specifications apply to front or rear terminal inputs, except 10 A specifications (rear-terminals only).

Input protection 1010 V dc (715 VRMS V ac) all ranges and functions on HI and LO terminals; 350 V all ranges and functions on sense HI, sense LO terminals; 250 V rated current input terminal; fused 3 A and 10 A ranges; current input terminals protected to 1 kV
3 A input fuse protection 3.5 A, 1 kV fast blow type; Keithley part number DMM7510-FUSE-3A
10 A input fuse protection 11 A, 1 kV fast blow type; Keithley part number DMM7510-FUSE-10A
AC voltage input Maximum dc voltage: 1000 V on any AC voltage range
Common mode isolation 500 V dc or ac Vpeak LO to chassis All terminals > 10 GΩ, < 350 pF any terminal to chassis
Power line Universal input, 100 V to 240 V
Line frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz, automatically sensed at power-up
Power consumption 60 VA maximum
Operating environment Specified for 0 °C to 50 °C, ≤ 80% relative humidity at 35 °C, altitude up to 2000 meters
Storage environment -30 °C to 70 °C
Real time clock Lithium battery backup (3+ years battery life)
EMC Conforms to European Union EMC Directive
Safety NRTL listed to UL61010-1, and CSA C22.2 No 61010-1; conforms with European Union Low Voltage Directive
Vibration MIL-PRF-28800F Class 3, Random
Warm-up 90 minutes to rated accuracy
Input signal connections Front and rear safety banana jacks
Cooling Forced air, fixed speed
Dimensions Without handle and bumpers: 88 mm high × 213 mm wide × 410 mm deep (3.46 in. × 8.39 in. × 16.13 in.)
With handle and bumpers (bench configuration): 106 mm high × 255 mm wide × 425 mm deep (4.18 in. × 10.05 in. × 16.75 in.)
Shipping weight (with bumpers and handle) 4.08 kg (9.0 lb)
Shipping weight (without bumpers and handle) 3.63 kg (8.0 lb)
Digital I/O Connector 9-pin female D
5 V power supply pin Limited to 500 mA at > 4 V (solid-state fuse protected)
Lines Six input/output, user-defined, for digital I/O or triggering
Input signal levels 0.7 V (maximum logic low)
3.7 V (minimum logic high)
Input voltage limits -0.25 V (absolute minimum)
+5.25 V (absolute maximum)
Maximum source current +2.0 mA at > 2.7 V (per pin)
Maximum sink current 50 mA at 0.7 V (per pin, solid-state fuse protected)


User-defined start of test, end of test, four category bits
Math functions Rel, dB, Limit Test, Percentage, 1/x, and mX + b
Remote interface LAN: RJ-45 connector, 10/100BT; Virtual Front Panel
GPIB: IEEE-488.1 compliant. Supports IEEE-488.2 common commands and status model topology
USB device (rear panel, type B): 2.0 full speed, USBTMC compliant
USB host (front panel, type A): USB 2.0, support for flash drives, FAT 32
LXI compliance 1.5 LXI Device Specification 2016
Language Embedded Test Script Processor (TSP) accessible from any host interface; responds to high-speed test scripts comprised of remote commands and statements (for example, branching, looping, math); able to execute high-speed test scripts stored in memory without host intervention; also SCPI (default command set)
Display Five-inch capacitive touch, color thin-film-transistor (TFT) WVGA (800 x 480) with LED backlight
Password protection 30 characters
Expansion interface The TSP-Link® expansion interface allows TSP-enabled instruments to trigger and communicate with each other
IP configuration Static or DHCP (manual or automatic)

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SPEC-DMM7510 Rev. B/October 2016