



Optical Time Domain Reflectometer

TFP2A FiberMaster®

TFP2A FiberMaster®

Features & Benefits

  • Floppy Disk Drive
  • High-Speed Processing
  • User-Friendly
  • High-Resolution Color Display
  • High-Resolution and Long-Range Performance
  • Dual Optical Plug-In Capacity Mainframe
  • Dual Wavelengths in each Plug-In
  • Remote Operation
  • Expandable Overview/Window Design
  • Language Options
  • Customer Configurable Design
  • PC Trace Analysis Software
  • Dual Trace Capability
  • Automatic Event Location and Measurement
  • Return Loss Measurements
  • High-Resolution Internal Printer Option
  • Automatic or Manual Masking
  • Keyboard Interface
  • RAM Mass Storage
  • MS-DOS File Compatible
  • Popup Menus
  • DC Power Input Option


  • Installation and Acceptance Testing of Fiber-Optic Networks
  • Fiber-Optic System Maintenance Testing
  • Locating Optical-Cable Faults During Restoration
  • Optical System Documentation

FiberMaster® OTDR

Unlike any other OTDR on the market, the FiberMaster® TFP2A sets a high level of performance and flexibility, providing faster, easier, more efficient solutions to fiber-optic network testing requirements.

FiberMaster is equipped to accommodate two dual-wavelength optical plug-in modules at the same time. Fully utilized, this allows testing of virtually any communications network (Telephone, LAN, WAN, CATV) without exchanging modules.

The FiberMaster TFP2A is driven by a high-speed 32-bit processor that delivers clear, concise, accurate waveforms in a fraction of the averaging time taken by other OTDR systems.

Offline waveform analysis and documentation is made easy with the FMTAP™ Trace Analysis Software.


CRT Display - Color 16.5 cm (6.5 in.) diagonal

Plug-in Module Capacity - Up to two plug-ins/four wavelengths

Hardcopy Output -

Optional Internal Printer: High speed, high resolution, dot matrix, 150 dots/in

External Interfaces: Keyboard, RS-232C, and GPIB

Power Requirements -

AC Operation: 90 to 130 V AC, 47 to 440 Hz, 180 to 253 V AC, 47 to 73 Hz

DC Operation (optional): 10 to 16 V DC

Measurements - Event loss, event distance, two-point distance, two-point loss, fiber attenuation, event return loss (reflectance), link return loss (ORL)

Mass Storage

Internal Floppy Disk Drive - Size: 8.9 cm (3.5 in.), 1.44 MB, 720 KB MS-DOS Compatible

Internal RAM (optional) - 1 MB, nonvolatile RAM for waveform storage

Data Points Per Waveform - 16,000 maximum (normal density). 32,000 maximum (high density)

Display Range -

Vertical: 1.0 dB to 100 dB full screen

Loss Readout Resolution: 0.001 dB

Horizontal System: 1 m to 320 km

Distance Measurements -

Units: cm, m, km, kfeet, feet

Accuracy: ±0.001% + minimum cursor resolution, ± uncertainty in IR

IR Range: 1.4000 to 1.6000


May be reduced with disk drive and printer operating.

Temperature -

Operating: -10 °C to +55 °C

Nonoperating: -40 °C to +60 °C

Humidity -

Operating: 5% to 90%, noncondensing

Nonoperating: 5% to 90%

Other Peripheral Capabilities

FMTAP - Offline trace analysis and documentation software for Windows.

Remote Control - Through an RS-232C or GPIB interface.

Data Transfer - Through an RS-232C or GPIB interface.

Physical Characteristics


















33.0 (Typical)

Plug-In Optics Module Characteristics

FM8513 - Multimode

Wavelengths - 850 / 1300 nm

Fiber size - 62.5 µm

Dynamic range - 26.5 / 26 dB

Event dead zone - 0.2 / 3 m

Loss dead zone - 2.5 / 14 m

FS1315 - High-Resolution SM

Wavelengths - 1310 / 1550 nm

Fiber size - Single mode

Dynamic range - 29.5 / 26.5 dB

Event dead zone - 3 / 3 m

Loss dead zone - 15 / 18 m

FG1315 - General-Purpose SM

Wavelengths - 1310 / 1550 nm

Fiber size - Single mode

Dynamic range - 31 / 29 dB

Event dead zone - 4 / 4 m

Loss dead zone - 25 / 30 m

FL1315 Long-Range SM

Wavelengths - 1310 / 1550 nm

Fiber size - Single mode

Dynamic range - 37.5 / 37 dB

Event dead zone - 25 / 25 m

Loss dead zone - 125 / 170 m