Curve Tracers

Features & Benefits
- High Precision Measurements of Semiconductor Devices
- Up to 2000 Volts or 10 Amp Sourcing
- Up to 220 Watts
- 1 Nanoamp Measurement Resolution
- Down to 2 Millivolt Measurement Resolution
- Waveform Comparison
- Envelope Display
- Waveform Averaging
- Dot Cursor
- Kelvin Sense Measurements
- Fully Programmable
- 3.5Inch MS DOSCompatible Disk Storage to Save and Recall Setups
- Manual or Automated High Resolution DC
- Parametric Characterization of Semiconductors
- Incoming Inspection
- Manufacturing Test
- Process Monitoring and Quality Control
- Data Sheet Generation
- Component Matching
- Failure Analysis
- Engineering
370A Programmable Curve Tracer
The 370A, the world standard for high resolution curve tracers is used in a wide variety of applications. The 370A performs DC parametric characterization of transistors, thyristors, diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs, optoelectronic components, solar cells, solid state displays and other semiconductor devices.
In the R&D lab, it is used for characterization of new designs, extraction of SPICE parameters, failure analysis and data sheet generation.
In manufacturing test, the 370A is used to verify device quality and process monitoring.
The 370A is used for incoming inspection to verify device performance, perform failure analysis and to match components.
Interactive Programmable Control
Interactive control of all measurements is accomplished from the full featured front panel or over the GPIB. Operating parameters can be adjusted and stored and recalled using several storage methods including the 370A nonvolatile memory, the built-in MS DOS-compatible floppy disk or to an external controller.
Test Fixturing
A test fixture is a standard accessory that provides safe device enclosure to ensure operator protection during measurements. The test fixture accommodates standard A1001 through A1005 adapters with Kelvin sensing, 3-Pin adapters without Kelvin sensing and the A1023 and A1024 surface mount adapters.

Source Characteristics
Collector Supply
Modes - AC, ±DC, ±Leakage, ±Rectified Sine
Range |
Max PeakCurrent (±) |
Peak Current Pulsed (±)*1 |
16 V |
10 A |
20 A |
80 V |
2 A |
4 A |
400 V |
.4 A |
.8 A |
2000 V |
.05 A |
.1 A |
*1 Collector supply is not pulsed; assumes a pulsed step generator supply.
Step Generator
Modes - Stair step: DC, 80 µs pulse, 300 µs pulse
Step Range -
Current: 50 nA to 200 mA in 1-2-5 sequence
Voltage: 50 mV to 2 V in 1-2-5 sequence
Offset - Up to ±10X step amplitude.
No. of steps - 0 to 10
Measurement Characteristics
Collector Current -
Measurement range: 100 nA/div (1 nA resolution) to 2 A/div
Accuracy: 1.5% of cursor readout +0.05 div of setting (with dot cursor)
Emitter Current -
Measurement range: 1 nA/div (10 pA resolution) to 2 mA/div
Accuracy: 1.5% of cursor readout +0.05 div of setting +1 nA
Safety - UL1244, CSA231, HD401 S1

Instrument Cart
- Ergonomic design
- Simple height, angle and shelf adjustments
- Durable steel and aluminum construction
- Large diameter smooth rolling casters
- Nylon safety straps included