When emergencies happen, it’s critical that federal, state and local public safety agencies are literally on the same frequency so they can communicate with each other. To that end the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) along with the Telecommunications Industry Association have created the Project 25 (P25) set of standards for Land Mobile Radio (LMR) services for local, state/provincial and national (federal) public safety organizations and agencies.
Adjacent Channel Power Ratio, Eye Diagram, Symbol table and scalar measurements with pass/fail results are among the tests available for verifying the compliance of a P25 Phase1 C4FM signal to the TIA-102 standard.
Phase 2 of the P25 standard in now in the early phases of deployment, leading to a growing need for cost-effective, easy-to-use test solutions to verify P25 standards compliance and perform troubleshooting as problems arise. Tektronix is stepping up to meet this need with the introduction of a compliance transmitter test solution for P25 standards.
Jim McGillivary, general manager of the RF and Component Solutions Business at Tektronix had this to say:
"With this introduction, Tektronix now provides the most automated solution for testing P25 transmitters available today. What's more, we also offer the least expensive solution capable of performing the full range of P25 transmitter spectral, timing and modulation measurements for, validation, analysis, compliance and characterization at the PHY layer."
The P25 solution works with both mid-range and high-performance Tektronix spectrum analyzers as well as Tektronix MDO4000B series oscilloscopes that combine the full functionality of Tektronix mixed signal oscilloscopes with a dedicated spectrum analyzer channel. This means that for the price of a mid-range spectrum analyzer-based solution, engineers also gain the ability to analyze and debug complete digital, analog and RF systems.
As detailed in the press release announcing the new solution, Tektronix also announced a number of free enhancements and new options for its RSA5000B, RSA6000B and SPECMONB real time signal analyzers, Including:
- Option 14, Noise Figure and Gain measurement capability.
- Option MAP, Mapping and Signal Strength.
- Features enhancements including integrated power and density markers, forward/back function and enhanced Time Navigator view available as a free download.
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