What are the differences between VM5000 and VM6000?
Major Enhancements and Changes of VM6000 relative to VM5000
Expanded Format Support
- SD/HD instruments additionally support 720p/30, 1080p/ 50 and 1080p/60
- User Defined format
- Format Auto Detect
Additional Measurement Parameters
- Levels measurement with special position cursors (1-8 pedestals)
- Noise measurement with cursor for time windowing
- Spatial Distortion measurement
- H sync Jitter and Wander measurement
- V sync measurement
- Block measurement mode
Additional reporting
- Easy report viewing (Direct viewing the report from the application)
- Easy access to the measurement result from Summary display
Upgraded Accessories
- Sync Combiner as the standard
Updated specification
- Specifications for all platforms
Upgraded Test Signal Package
- H.264 encoded Elementary stream
- 720x480 resolution Elementary Stream
- Option SS provides the all of test signal CD-ROMs and DVDs.
- Each CD-ROM and DVD are provided as an 020 part for separate purchase.
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