Question :
When using SignalVu-PC how do I find my system's Host ID?
Réponses :
To find the Host Id while using SignalVu-PC select Tools > Licenses > Manage. This will open the Manage Licenses window. Under the Select license host window on the left choose the system that you wish to view the Host ID. <<This computer >> refers to the computer, if the RSA is connected, a second line is available.
Note: With the release of SignalVu-PC version 3.11.47 you can put the SignalVu-PC application licenses directly on your USB instrument or to the connected computer.
Cette FAQ concerne :
Série du produit : Analyseur de spectre USB RSA306B Analyseurs de spectre en temps réel série RSA500 Analyseurs de spectre en temps réel série RSA600
Produit :
Numéro de la FAQ 474071
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