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How to Install and Access the DVM option on your MDO4000C Series Product

To install your option key:

  1. Push the Utility button located on the front panel below the display.
  2. Push Utility Page on the lower menu. Use Multi-purpose knob a to select Config on the pop-up Utility Page menu.
  3. Push Manage Modules & Options on the lower menu.
  4. On the resulting side menu, select Options under "License Type" (press the side menu button until "Options" is highlighted).
  5. Push Install Option on the side menu.
  6. Enter the Option Key string listed above into the oscilloscope, using the on-screen controls or a USB keyboard.
  7. Push OK Accept to apply the Option Key.  Following a successful installation of the Option Key, a message will be displayed indicating that you must power cycle the oscilloscope.

After power cycling the oscilloscope, verify that the DVM option has been installed:

  1. Push the Utility button located on the front panel below the display.
  2. Push Utility Page on the lower menu. Use Multi-purpose knob a to select Config on the pop-up Utility Page menu.
  3. Push About on the lower menu.  Push the Instrument Options side menu button.  The MDO4DVM entry in the table will showEnabled: Yes.

To access the DVM features on your oscilloscope:

  1. Push the Measure button located on the front panel.
  2. Push the DVM button on the lower menu just below the display.