
텍트로닉스 담당자와 실시간 상담 6:00am-4:30pm PST에 이용 가능


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MTS400 Series software V1.9

MTS400 Series software for MTS400, MTS415, MTS430, MTS4SA and MTX/RTX analyzer options.

This update release of the Tektronix MPEG Application Suite requires the same permissions as version 1.7. If you already have an appropriate OptionKey for version 1.7, no further action is required to use the software included in this release. If you have an earlier version of the software, you will need to purchase an upgrade from your Tektronix representative.

이 소프트웨어는 다음에 적용됩니다. MTS4SA, MTS400, MTS430 0, MTS415, MTS400P