What are the acquisition bands in the MDO4000, MDO4000B, and MDO4000C?
The acquisition bands are as follows:
1) 9kHz - 3.75 GHz (MDO4000B/C) or 50 kHz - 3.75 GHz (MDO4000)
2) 2.75 GHz - 4.5 GHz
3) 3.5 GHz - 6.0 GHz
These three bands overlap, allowing the MDO to have a 1 GHz capture bandwidth at all center frequencies and up to a 3.75 GHz capture bandwidth under certain conditions. The 3 GHz model of the MDO is always capturing the entire spectrum in a single acquisition. Whenever the span setting exceeds the limits of a single acquisition band, two bands can be stitched together seamlessly to build a spectrum from two records.
For more details, please refer to the Application Note "Fundamentals of the MDO4000 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope"
FAQ ID 69341
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