My scope and PC are connected to a LAN. How can I establish a peer to peer connection to my PC via the scope's Ethernet port.
Certainly. A crossover cable or Ethernet Hub can be used to make a direct Peer-to-Peer connection from the scope's Ethernet port to the PC's Ethernet port. The concept is similar to using a null modem cable to connect a scope to a PC via RS-232. A Peer-to-Peer connection requires unique fixed IP addresses for the PC and the Scope, and a common Subnet Mask.
- From the scope's utility/system/IO/Ethernet Network Settings menu, turn DHCP off. Go to Change Instrument Settings and clear any existing Instrument IP, DNS IP, Gateway IP, and Subnet Mask addresses.
- From the same menu, enter a valid Instrument IP Address - try
- From the same menu, enter a valid subnet mask - try
- Leave all the other fields blank.
- Cycle scope power.
- From the PC's Start/Settings/Control Panel menu, select Network and Dial-up Connections/Local Area Connection. Click Properties and select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. Enable, "Use the following IP address" and enter a unique IP address (try**and the same subnet mask you used on the scope ( Also enable, "Use the following DNS server address," but leave all the fields blank
**Note: The upper 3 octets of the dot-decimal unique IP addresss for both the PC, and Scope (setup in step 2) must match for the peer to peer connection to work.
You should now be able to "ping" the scope and receive a response. The oscilloscope's "Test Connection" button won't work however.
FAQ ID 61916
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