I would like to acquire data from the component or DUT using my logic analyzer+ then use this acquired data as my stimulus data. Is there an easy way to transfer the acquisition data from my TLA700/7000 Series Logic Analyzer logic analyzer directly to the TLA7PG2 pattern generator module?
Yes, you can transfer data from your TLA700/7000 Series Logic Analyzer module to the TLA7PG2 pattern generator module using CSV (Comma-Separated-Value) format.
The simplest procedure to do this is as follows:
- With the listing window open from the Pattern Generator Application, go to File->Export Data… to export a sample listing.
- With the listing window of the TLA Application open, go to File->Export Data… to export your acquired data for Pattern Generator stimulus.
- Copy and paste the data from the TLA Application listing export into the listing window export from the Pattern Generator.
- Go back to the Pattern Generator Application and choose File->Import Data… and select your modified Pattern Generator exported listing.
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