
텍트로닉스 담당자와 실시간 상담 6:00am-4:30pm PST에 이용 가능


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9:00am-6:00PM KST에 이용 가능


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모델 또는 키워드


I connected the Trigger Out from my logic analyzer to my Oscilloscope but it does not send a trigger pulse to the scope. What could be the problem with the logic analyzer?


I connected the Trigger Out from my logic analyzer to my Oscilloscope but it does not send a trigger pulse to the scope. What could be the problem with the logic analyzer?


One can turn off the System Trigger Out on the Logic Analyzer. Please check this setting from: System -> System Trigger... Check the box for Enable System Trigger Out.

이 FAQ는 다음에 적용 됩니다:

제품 시리즈: TLA7000 TLA7000 TLA7000


FAQ ID 55791

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