
텍트로닉스 담당자와 실시간 상담 6:00am-4:30pm PST에 이용 가능


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How do I determine the output frequency of my waveform?


How do I determine the output frequency of my waveform?


The output frequency of a waveform is the clock rate divided by the number of points per cycle. For example, if you create a waveform that has a record length of 1000 points and you create a 10 cycle sinewave, that waveform would have 100 points per cycle (1000 / 10 cycles). If when you output this waveform you choose a 100 MHz clock, this would result in frequency being 1 MHz (100 MHz / 100 points per cycle).

Another example could be, if you create a waveform that has a record length of 1000 points and you create a 1 cycle sinewave, that waveform would have 1000 points per cycle (1000 / 1 cycle). If when you output this waveform you choose a 100 MHz clock, this would result in frequency being 100 KHz (100 MHz / 1000 points per cycle).

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FAQ ID 62646

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