Custom Math Waveforms using Matlab and ADK on an Oscilloscope
The following is a list of equipment and software that is needed to do this quick MATLAB example. In the download below there is a txt file that has the instruction with where to place the MATLAB file and ADK files.
Equipment list:
- Windows 7 oscilloscope with firmware version 6.4 or later
- MATLAB with the Instrument Control Toolbox or any other toolboxes you will use (e.g. Signal Processing Toolbox).
This example will show you how to update a txt file using the Application Development Kit (ADK) with values for your cutoff frequency. Then using a custom MATLAB filter file it will read in the values from this txt file and apply the appropriate butter worth 3rd order filter with corresponding cutoff frequencies.
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제품 시리즈: DPO7000 MSO/DPO70000DX 혼합 신호/디지털 포스퍼 오실로스코프 MSO/DPO5000B 혼합 신호 오실로스코프
FAQ ID 64766
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