텍트로닉스 담당자와 실시간 상담 6:00am-4:30pm PST에 이용 가능
전화 문의
9:00am-6:00PM KST에 이용 가능
매뉴얼, 데이터 시트, 소프트웨어 등을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
Recycle Program Terms and Conditions
Customers accept the following terms and conditions when they submit a Recycle request:
- The returned product may not be contaminated with substances that may be hazardous to health or harmful to the environment.
- End User Customer is responsible for the deletion/removal/cleansing of any sensitive data contained in or on devices or data carriers that are returned to Tektronix.
- Packaging Condition - All products are to be ready for pickup, boxed and labeled with the RMA #/ Event ID #. If the End User Customer requests assistance in packaging there will be an additional charge.
- Transport costs will be financed in accordance with specific up-to-date contractual agreements or in case such contractual agreements are not available, with the relevant country-specific applicable dispositions.
- Recycle Fees - Tektronix will pay all recycling fees related to the treatment, recovery, recycling and environmentally sound disposal of the product submitted through this program.
- Assignment - The End User Customer assigns all rights in the title and treatment, recovery, recycling and environmentally sound disposal of the recycle product to Tektronix, free and clear of any future encumbrances. The End User Customer warrants that they have clear and merchantable title to the product being shipped to Tektronix.
- End User Customer will provide a representative on site the day of the pick up to direct logistics provider to the appropriate equipment. End User Customer will be responsible for any costs incurred if incorrect products are identified and sent for shipment.
- Tektronix is not responsible for any product shipped in error and makes no guarantees that such product can be returned to the End User Customer. If stated product can be identified and returned, the End User Customer will pay for shipping and could be liable for additional administrative fees.