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Laser Diode Module Testing Critical to Development of High Bandwidth Communication Systems
Laser Diode Module Testing Critical to Development of High Bandwidth Communication Systems by Paul Meyer of Keithley Instruments, Inc. Appeared on testandmeasurement.com, March, 2000. Driven by ever-increasing Internet traffic, the world's appetite for communication bandwidth seems to grw by the day. Having exceeded the capacity of traditional copper, microwave, and single wavelength laser-based fiber-optic solutions, designers have turned to dense wavelength dimension multiplexed (DWDM) systems. These systems have already become the dominant solution for high bandwidth data communications. lasers, communication channels, complex laser diode module (LDM), local oscillator, RF communication system, laser diode, back facet monitor, photdiode, thermo-electric cooler, TEC, thermistor, modulator, monochromatic coherent light, coherence, optical spectra, Peltier device, L-I-V Sweep, wafer processing, finished laser diode chip, chip-on-carrier, laser mounted on TEC with t
hermistor, fiber coupling, completed module, post burn-in, AC testing, DC testing, BFMPD.