- Bluetooth Low Energy, Basic Rate and Enhanced Data Rate*
- (Automatic detection of Standard)
- Push-button measurements and Pass/Fail reporting
- Customizable Limits
- Packet Information: Type, Sync Word, Header, Payload, CRC
- Multiple Spectrum Analyzer families supported
- Off-line PC Analysis supported
Low Energy RF Transmitter Performance
- Per RF PHY Bluetooth Test Specification
- Includes all Transmitter Tests (TRM-LE): Output Power, In-Band
- Emissions, Modulation Characteristics, Carrier Frequency Offset and Drift
- Push-button Pass/Fail results
- Direct Test Mode
- Decoding of Test and Non-Test packets
Basic Rate RF Transmitter Performance
- Per RF Bluetooth Test Specification
- Includes all Transmitter Tests (TRM): Power, ACPR, -20dB
- Bandwidth , Modulation Characteristics, Carrier Frequency Offset and Drift
- Push-button Pass/Fail results
- Direct Test Mode
- Decoding of Test and Non-Test packets
Enhanced Data Rate RF Transmitter Analysis
- Eye Diagram, Constellation, Symbol information and Power Measurements
- Decoding of Test and Non-Test packets
Same User Interface and Major Features Across Multiple Software and Firmware Platforms
- Spectrum Analysis & RF Measurements
- Vector Signal Analysis, including symbol information
- Bluetooth RF-PHY measurements and packet field decoding
- PC Controls the MDO4000B RF section
- Widest Vector Signal Analysis - 1 GHz Analysis Bandwidth
- World’s only Multi Domain Analyzer
SignalVu running on a Higher Performance Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Option to Scope, runs directly on Scope
- Widest Bandwidth Analysis Bandwidth
SignalVu-PC Analyzes Saved Waveform Captured from any Tektronix Oscilloscope or RSA
- Analyze IQ Files Captured from an RSA or Scope running SignalVu
- Analyze ISF and WFM files from Scopes not running SignalVu
RSA5000B Real Time Spectrum Analyzer with same VSA, adds Real Time Spectrum Analysis
- DPX™, Swept DPX, DPX Spectrogram, Density Triggers
RSA306 USB Real Time Spectrum Analyzer for field measurements
- The ideal tool to help with device validation
- Includes Vector Signal Analysis capability