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VocalLink™ Voice Control Software for Tektronix Oscilloscopes
이 데이터 시트의 제품은 텍트로닉스에서 더 이상 판매하지 않습니다.
리퍼브 테스트 장비에 대한 Tektronix Encore를 확인하십시오.
이러한 제품에 대한 지원 및 보증 상태를 살펴보십시오.

Features & Benefits
- Recognizes Virtually Any Voice Without Training
- Hear Your Results
- Control Major Oscilloscope Functions
- Create User-defined Setups and Test
- Multi-language Support
- High-speed Semiconductor Design, Validation and Debug
- High-speed Memory Interface Design, Validation and Debug
- Manufacturing Test and Service Applications that Require Consistency and Repeatability of Complex Measurements
Ensure More Accurate, Consistent and Reliable Measurements
Higher performance demands of today's circuits have created ICs with dense packaging and extremely fine pitch parts. Probing these minute pins requires precise placement and the use of both hands, making it physically challenging to maintain probe contact while operating the oscilloscope. VocalLink software frees your visual attention to focus on making solid probe contact with your test signals to ensure accurate, repeatable measurements.
Recognizes Virtually Any Voice Without Training
VocalLink software provides speaker independent capability. The software easily accommodates tonal inflections, enunciation and accent of the user. No training is required to recognize multiple users.
Hear Your Results
To assure that your commands have been implemented correctly, you get audible feedback confirming the command and spoken results of the measurement.
Control Major Oscilloscope Functions
Comprehensive command set controls virtually all major oscilloscope functions with over 60*1 simple voice commands.
*1 Over 60 commands for Pro version and over 50 commands for Basic version.
Create User-defined Setups and Test
Macro functionality allows you to reliably perform complex measurement routines with a single voice command. Build complex macros - including program branching and results reporting - accessed by a single, simple command.
Multi-language Support
Give voice commands and hear spoken responses in your local language. Choose from multiple languages for voice control and response and on-screen operating menus.
Two Versions Available
VocalLink software is available in two versions: Basic and Pro. Both offer a comprehensive command set, audio feedback, speaker-independent capability and multiple languages. VocalLink Pro software delivers over 60 simple voice commands and a macro capability while VocalLink Basic software offers more than 50 voice commands and excludes the macro capability.
Oscilloscopes Supported - TDS6000/TDS7000 Series.
TDS500/600/700 Series.
TDS3000B Series.
TDS5000 Series.
Languages Supported - English.
Minimum PC System Requirements*1 - Windows 95/98/NT4.0/2000 O/S.
Pentium 166 MHz (233 MHz Recommended).
32 MB RAM (64 MB RAM Recommended).
20 MB Hard Disk Space.
Sound Card.
CD ROM Drive.
GPIB Controller Card and Cable, or Tektronix AD007 GPIB to LAN Adapter, or Ethernet card and cable (TDS3000 series only), or RS-232 cable (TDS3000 series only).
*1 TDS7000 Series oscilloscopes fulfill PC system requirements for use.
VocalLink Commands:
Functions |
Commands |
Basic |
Pro |
Voltage |
Voltage, Scale, Up/Down |
X |
X |
Timebase |
Get timebase, Timebase, Up/Down |
X |
X |
Get Timebase Settings, Increase/Decrease, Record Length |
X |
Position |
Position Up, Position Down, Position Zero |
X |
X |
Trigger |
Get Trigger Settings, Get Trigger Level, Get Trigger State, Trigger Up/Down/Zero, Trigger Level 50%, Trigger Level, Trigger Slope Rise/Fall, Trigger Mode Auto/Normal, Force Trigger |
X |
X |
Trigger Source Channel, Trigger Coupling AC/DC, Trigger Coupling High/Low Frequency, Trigger Coupling Noise Rej, Trigger Type Edge, Trigger Level ECL/TTL |
X |
Channel |
Get Channel Settings, Get Channel, Show Channel, Hide Channel, Select Channel, Channel Offset, Coupling AC/DC/GND. |
X |
X |
Channel Bandwidth, Channel Impedance, Channel Offset Up/Down |
X |
Measure |
Measure/display: P-P, frequency, mean, period, RMS, rise/fall time, positive/negative pulse width, maximum/minimum, duty cycle, snapshot, remove all measurements |
X |
X |
Acquire |
Freerun, stop |
X |
X |
Get acquire settings, acquire mode sample/peak det/hi res, acquire mode average/envelope, stop after button/single acquisition, repetitive signal on/off |
X |
Macros |
Execute test, go to line, if result at line condition go to line, play prompt, continue |
X |
Miscellaneous |
Autoset, clear menu, hardcopy, save wave, go to sleep, raise/lower interface |
X |
X |
Calibrate, initialize |
X |
Ordering Information
VocalLink Pro (order VCLNKP)
Includes: Instruction manual, headset/microphone, CD with VocalLink Pro software (over 60 voice commands; macro capability).
VocalLink Basic (order VCLNKB)
Includes: Instruction manual, headset/microphone, CD with VocalLink Basic software (over 50 voice commands; excludes macro capability).
Languages Supported
Minimum PC System Requirements*1
Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT4.0/2000 O/S.
Pentium 166 MHz (233 MHz recommended).
32 MB RAM (64 MB RAM recommended).
20 MB hard disk space.
Sound card.
CD ROM drive.
GPIB controller card and cable, or Tektronix AD007 GPIB to LAN adapter, or Ethernet card and cable (TDS3000 series only), or RS-232 cable (TDS3000 series only).
*1 TDS7000 Series oscilloscopes fulfill PC system requirements for use.