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Power Analysis Solution Bundles
이 데이터 시트의 제품은 텍트로닉스에서 더 이상 판매하지 않습니다.
리퍼브 테스트 장비에 대한 Tektronix Encore를 확인하십시오.
이러한 제품에 대한 지원 및 보증 상태를 살펴보십시오.

Features & Benefits
- Complete, cost-effective suite of probes, analysis software, and accessories needed for typical power measurement and analysis applications
- Tailored to the Tektronix DPO4000 Series, MSO4000 Series, and DPO3000 Series oscilloscopes
- Convenient hard-sided carrying case, to keep all of the accessories stored together and protected
- Power Supply Design
- Power Loss Measurement
- Characterization of Power Semiconductor Devices
- Measurement and Analysis of Ripple and Noise
Ever-increasing consumer demand for longer battery-life devices and for green solutions that consume less power, require power-supply designers to focus on the performance and efficiency of power supplies used in everyday electronics as well as sophisticated electronic and communication systems. In addition to characterizing and minimizing switching losses to improve efficiency, the supply’s power levels, output purity, and harmonic feedback into the power line must be characterized to comply with national and regional power quality standards. The DPO3PWRBND and DPO4PWRBND Power Analysis Solution Bundles combine the essential tools needed to perform typical power measurement and analysis tasks with the MSO/DPO4000 and DPO3000 Series oscilloscopes.
The Power Analysis Solution Bundles include the following products:
- The oscilloscope Power Analysis application module (DPO3PWR or DPO4PWR) enabling quick and accurate analysis of power quality, switching loss, harmonics, and other power measurements;
- The TDP0500 active differential probe for high-speed signal acquisition and measurement fidelity on differential voltages to ±42 V;
- The P5205 high-voltage differential active probe to measure differential voltages to 1300 V. A TPA-BNC adapter is also included to connect the P5205’s TekProbe® interface to the TekVPI™ probe interface of the MSO/DPO4000 and DPO3000 Series oscilloscopes;
- The TCP0030 high-performance, easy-to-use, 30 Amp AC/DC current probe with exceptional low-current measurement capability and accuracy to current levels as low as 1 mA; and
- The TEK-DPG deskew pulse generator and power measurement deskew fixture, to precisely deskew the time differences between instrument channels of current and voltage probes to make more accurate power measurements.
These suites of power analysis tools are packaged securely in a rugged, hard-sided carrying case, and are attractively priced at a substantial discount compared to purchasing the included items separately.
See individual product data sheets for detailed characteristics.
Physical Characteristics
Weight -
17 lb.
(7.71 kg)
Dimensions (L × W × H) -
19 in. × 15 in. × 9 in.
(49 cm × 38.5 cm × 23 cm)
Standard Warranty
The individual products included in the bundles are covered by their individual standard warranties.
Supported Tektronix Oscilloscopes
DPO3PWRBND: DPO3000 Series oscilloscopes with TekVPI probe interface
DPO4PWRBND: MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series oscilloscopes with TekVPI probe interface
Ordering Information
Power solution bundle for DPO3000 Series oscilloscopes; includes DPO3PWR software, probes, and accessories for power analysis.
Power solution bundle for DPO4000 and MSO4000 Series oscilloscopes; includes DPO4PWR software, probes, and accessories for power analysis.
Standard Accessories
The DPO3PWRBND and DPO4PWRBND Power Solution Bundles include the following modules, probes, and accessory products. | |
DPO3PWR power analysis module | DPO4PWR power analysis module |
P5205 1300 V high-voltage differential probe, accessories, Certificate of Traceable Calibration | |
TPA-BNC TekVPI™ Interface Adapter | |
TDP0500 42 V mid-voltage differential probe, accessories, Certificate of Traceable Calibration | |
TCP0030 AC/DC, 30 A current probe, accessories,Certificate of Traceable Calibration | |
TEK-DPG Deskew Pulse Generator | |
Power Measurement Deskew Fixture (Tektronix part 067-1686-xx) | |
Hard-sided carrying case |
The standard accessories for the individual products are also included, with the following exceptions:
- Individual product packaging and shipping boxes are not included. The bundled products are securely packaged in the hard-sided carrying case along with their accessories and documentation.
- The Nylon Carrying Cases for TCP0030 and TDP0500 are not included.
- The included product documentation will be the English versions. See individual product data sheets for information on available translations.
- The Certificates of Traceable Calibration for P5205, TCP0030, and TDP0500 are included and combined into a single document envelope.
Refer the individual product data sheets for complete details on their standard accessories and available optional accessories.
Service Offering | -CA1 | -R1PW | -R2PW | -R3DW | -R5DW |
Service offerings can be ordered for individual products where available, using the appropriate post-purchase Service Products (product serial number required): | |||||
Description | Provides a single calibration event or coverage for the designated calibration interval whichever comes first | Repair Service coverage 1 year post-warranty | Repair service coverage 2 years post-warranty | Repair service coverage 3 years (includes product warranty period); 3 year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase | Repair service coverage 5 years (includes product warranty period); 5 year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase |
Order as: | |||||
P5205 | P5205-CA1 | P5205-R1PW | P5205-R2PW | P5205-R3DW | P5205-R5DW |
TDP0500 | TDP0500-CA1 | TDP0500-R1PW | TDP0500-R2PW | TDP0500-R3DW | TDP0500-R5DW |
TCP0030 | TCP0030-CA1 | TCP0030-R1PW | TCP0030-R2PW | TCP0030-R3DW | TCP0030-R5DW |