Question :
Why can't my PC communicate with the 2714 or 2715?
Réponses :
The most common problem tends to be the settings in the spectrum analyzer itself.
If you are using the DOS software to control your 2714, the settings found in the Util Menu 4,0,2 should be:
Status | Online |
Baud Rate Data Bits Parity EOL Flow Control Echo Verbose | 9600 (or a baud rate that agrees with your PC software settings) 8 None CR Hard (RTS/CTS) Off Off |
If the software you are using is the Windows software that comes with your 2714 or 2715, the settings are identical except:
EOL | LF |
In the DOS software, under Setup, select Instrument Com Setup. Then select Edit Instrument Com Setup. Now select the name of the com port to which you have your cable connected. Select RS232 (if that is the cable and interface you are using on your 2714/2715), and then enter the 3 lines of description allowed. Then make sure the com port selected is really the one you are using! Now set baud rate (probably 9600, but it must agree with the 2714/2715 setting). Finally set the time out to 30 seconds.
In the Windows software for the 2714/2715, select Configure from the tool bar, and then select Connections. Confirm that the RS232 is selected and the baud rate is set to the same setting as the 2715/2715. All other devices in this window, such as switcher control panel and violations reporting should be set to some other nonexistent com port such as 3 or 4.
The other possible problem with non-communication is the wrong cable is being used. The spectrum analyzer expects a null modem cable. If an adapter is on the end of your null modem cable, make sure it isn't a null-modem adapter, or it will change your null-modem cable to a straight through cable!
Another situation that can cause problems is the lack of hard wired handshaking wires in your cable. Make sure your cable is wired like the Tektronix cable described in the appendix of your operator's manual. For convenience, here is the wiring order of the Tektronix 9 pin to 9 pin null-modem cable, part number 012-1379-00:
Pin | to | Pin |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | - - - - - - - - - | 7 3 2 6 5 4 1,8 7 Not Used |
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