Question :
Where can I find a list of passive probe accessories such as surface mount interconnects+ circuit board test points+ and replacement parts?
Réponses :
The accessories will depend upon which type of passive probe. There are three probe diameters: 2.5 mm, 3.5 mm, and 5 mm. The part numbers and a diagram of the accessories for each type can be found below:
2.5 mm (subminiature) probe accessories for P6130, P6131, P6133, P6134, P6135, P6136, P6230, P6231 Accessories =>
3.5 mm (Compact) Probe Accessories for P6053C, P6133 Opt. 25, P6134C, P6135A, P6136 Opt. 25, P6137, P6138, P6138A, P6139A, P6339A, P6156, P6158 and P5050 Accessories =>
5 mm (miniature) Probe Accessories for P3010, P6048, P6053, P6053B, P6055, P6056, P6057, P6062B, P6063B, P61XX/A Family, P612X Family, P61XXB Family, P6202A with Adapter, P6203, P6204, P6205 and P6206 Accessories =>
Replacement parts can be found at
Cette FAQ concerne :
Série du produit : Sondes basse tension : asymétriques Sélection de sonde passive de Tektronix
Produit :
Numéro de la FAQ 58961
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