Question :
What are the three task types in Excelinx-1A?
Réponses :
1. Configure Scanning DMM Channels - This task configures the list of channels that are to be scanned. It also configures the parameters of the selected function (range, limits, filter, math, rate, etc). Each channel or group of channels can be set for a different measurement function. It also configures several global parameters (Line sync, Autozero, Displayed digits, Open TC connections, etc).2. Scan DMM Channels - This task configures the parameters of the scan. The following are some of the parameters can be set in this task.
a. Number of scansb. Rate of the scan
c. Type of scan (Step or Scan)
d. Trigger Source (Timer, Immediate, Bus, External or Manual)
e. Data to spreadsheet placement
f. Save data to file selection
g. Data format (channel number, timestamp, units, channel tags)
h. Limits
i. Update interval
3. Read DMM Data Store - This task retrieves data stored in the buffer of the unit. The data are placed in column form in the selected sheet. The data format is also selectable (channel number, timestamp, units, channel tags, etc). The data can also be stored to an ASCII file.
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