Question :
On the waveform monitor+ what does “CA MISSING” mean when shown in the upper left of the picture display? And is there a way to remove this message?
Réponses :
CA is the content advisory (V Chip information). This message indicates there is no V chip information within the incomming signal.
Since the V chip information is carried with the closed caption information; this is not a warning, only a status display. If you want it off, you must disable the closed caption display. There is no way to separate these two functions.
For the WVR6000/WVR7000 family or the WFM6000/WFM7000 family without the touch panel, go to the PICTURE tile, hold in the PICTURE button to get the menu, and turn off the DISPLAY CLOSED CAPTIONS selection.
For the WFM6000/7000 series with the touch panel display, touch the CC 608 Service box, select NONE.
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Numéro de la FAQ 62086
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