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I have been looking at used oscilloscopes. The 2465 has so many varieties and options. What are the differences between the 2465+ 2465A+ and 2465B+ and what are the options?

Question :

I have been looking at used oscilloscopes. The 2465 has so many varieties and options. What are the differences between the 2465+ 2465A+ and 2465B+ and what are the options?

Réponses :

There were several updates to the 2465 products. Major changes were designated by adding first an A, then a B. There were also several options available that served specific markets. The table below shows the bandwidth difference between models and the major options.

Configuration Model
  2465 2465A 2465B
Bandwidth 300 MHz 350 MHz 400 Mhz
DMM Opt. 01 Opt. 01 Opt. 01
Video Trigger Opt. 05 Opt. 05 Opt. 05
Counter/Timer Opt. 06 Opt. 06 Opt. 06
Word Recog/Counter/ Timer Opt. 09 Opt. 09 N/A
GPIB Opt. 10 Opt. 10 Opt. 10
Add two passive probes Opt. 22 Opt. 22 Opt. 22

In addition, there were several combination packages as shown below:

Model Includes options
2465 CTS 9, 10, 22
2465 DMS 1, 9, 10, 22
2465 DVS 1, 5, 9, 10, 22
2465A CT 9, 10, 22
2465A DM 1, 9, 10, 22
2465A DV 1, 5, 9, 10, 22
2465B CT 9, 10, 22
2465B DM 1, 9, 10, 22
2465B DV 1, 5, 9, 10, 22

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