Question :
Can I use different SMA cables instead of the standard cables that come with the P7380SMA?
Réponses :
The recommended SMA cables for the P7380SMA are closest match for this probe. The delay between the two matched cables in the standard cable assembly (174-4944-00) is adjusted to provide an initial skew of less than 1 ps. The cable used in the standard cable assembly has also been selected for its low-loss characteristics, and the cable length was selected to match the cable loss compensation designed into the probe differential amplifier. If an alternative cable assembly is used in measurements with the P7380SMA differential probe amplifier, this loss compensation characteristic must be considered. The following approximate equation for cable loss compensation can be used as a guideline in custom cable designs and is valid over a frequency range of about 1 GHz to 8 GHz:
Loss = 0.5dB+0.15dB * (F−1), where F is frequency in GHz
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