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Oscilloscope Calibration Services
Popular brands we service:
- Agilent
- BK Precision
- Fluke
- Protek
- Tektronix
- LeCroy
- Yokogawa
- Rohde & Schwarz
- Hitachi
- Nicolet
- Rigol
- Leader Instruments
- Kikisui
- and many more!
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Why should I calibrate my oscilloscope?
The calibration of instruments is all about confidence in the measurement results you're getting. Calibrating your oscilloscope assures you that your measurements are accurate within the specification limits that led you to select the instrument in the first place.
Out-of-tolerance (OOT) instruments may give false information leading to unreliable products, customer dissatisfaction and increased warranty costs. In addition, OOT conditions may cause good products to fail tests, which ultimately results in unnecessary rework costs and production delays. Routine calibrations are your prescription for the continued health and performance of your instrument.

Standard Oscilloscope Calibration Parameters
- Vertical Amplitude Accuracy: Ensuring the vertical scale accurately represents the signal's amplitude.
- Horizontal Time Base Accuracy: Verifying the accuracy of the time base to ensure correct timing measurements.
- Bandwidth: Checking the oscilloscope's bandwidth to ensure it can accurately capture high-frequency signals.
- Rise Time: Ensuring the oscilloscope can accurately measure the rise time of fast signals.
- Offset: Verifying the accuracy of the vertical offset to ensure the baseline of the signal is correctly displayed.
- Gain Linearity: Ensuring the gain is linear across the entire range of the oscilloscope.
- Pulse Response: Checking the oscilloscope's response to pulse signals to ensure accurate representation.
- Channel Matching: Ensuring that all channels have consistent performance for accurate multi-channel measurements.
Capacités d’étalonnage
Nous assurons l’étalonnage d’instruments très divers et sommes spécialistes de l’étalonnage pour différents secteurs.
Niveaux du service d’étalonnage
Les options de nos services d'étalonnage standard et homologué sont conçus pour répondre à vos exigences spécifiques en matière de qualité.
Options de livraison proposées dans le cadre du service
Nous sommes en mesure de récupérer et de livrer vos appareils étalonnés, d’effectuer un étalonnage périodique ou permanent sur site.