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Alimentation DC Keithley 2268
La gamme 2268 d’alimentations DC 850 W offre des niveaux de sortie de tension et de courant parfaits pour les tests automatisés. Elles proposent des tensions de sorties maximum de 20 V, 40 V, 60 V, 80 V, 100 V et 150 V, avec courant de sortie maximum correspondant de 42 A, 21 A, 14 A, 10,5 A, 8,5 A, et 5,6 A. Elles permettent de générer n’importe quel courant, y compris le courant maximum, à n’importe quelle tension. Plusieurs options de commande analogique et numérique et d’interface numérique sont disponibles. Ces alimentations offrent également la flexibilité nécessaire pour travailler à tension constante (TC) et à intensité constante (IC), ou en mode puissance constante.
Prix de base
US $3,230
Keithley 2268 DC Power Supply
Modèle | Description | Nombre de sorties | Tension maximum | Courant maximum | Connectivité | Tarif | Configure And Quote |
2268-150-5 | Alimentation DC 850 W, 150 V, 5,6 A |
1 | 150 V | 5,6 A | USB, LAN, GPIB, RS-232, RS-485, analogique | US $3,230 | Configuration et devis |
Features |
Benefits |
850W in a low profile 1U high, half-rack width enclosure | Offers the highest power density in the smallest package to minimize test rack space requirements. |
15V and 5V auxiliary outputs |
Supports driving or signaling external devices, often eliminating the need for additional instrumentation. |
Isolated analog inputs | Minimizes control line noise, reducing or eliminating the susceptibility to signal degradation. |
LAN, USB, GPIB, RS-232, RS-485 interfaces and analog input are all standard | Makes it simple to select the optimum interface for any test application. |
Operate at temperatures up to 50°C | Allows reliable performance even in test racks that have elevated temperatures. |
Auto sequence control | Supports internal execution of commands to minimize bus communication time. |
Foldback mode with programmable delay | Shuts down the output on transitions between CV and CC operation to protect voltage- or current-sensitive devices. The programmable delay time eliminates nuisance shutdowns due to transient voltage overshoots. |
Two units can be connected in series or up to four units connected in parallel to produce higher outputs | Expands voltage or current capacity for higher output requirements. |
Numerous built-in safety features: over- and under-voltage protection, overcurrent protection, overtemperature protection, and a hardware interlock | Protects the load and the supply. |