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Optical Sources/Power Meter/Attenuator
TOP130 • TOP140 • TOP160 • TOP200 • TOP220 • TOP300 • TOP400

TOP130 • TOP140 • TOP160 • TOP200 • TOP220 • TOP300 • TOP400
Features & Benefits
- Dual Wavelength (850 nm and 1300 nm)
- Excellent Long-term Stability
- Stabilized Calibrated Output
- Selectable Modulation Frequencies (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz)
- Relative dB Mode for Direct Attenuation and Insertion Loss Measurements
- 0.01 dB Resolution
- Measures Outputs as High as +25 dBm
- 980 to 1550 nm; Three Calibrated Wavelengths
- >100 Hours Battery Life
- High Brightness
- Universal Connector Interface (UCI)
- Fiber Tracing
- Two Modes:
- MOD: Continuous Light for Fiber ID, 3 Per-second Cycle for Modulation
- CW: Blinking Light for Fiber
- Ideal for Testing System Headroom
- Passive Device - No Power Required
- Adjustable Attenuation
- System Loss Measurements
- Optical Troubleshooting
- Fault Location
- Installation
- Maintenance
- Optical Links
- Research
TOP130 Optical LED Source
- Selectable output - CW or Modulate
- Three modulation frequencies - 270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz
- >20 hours battery life
- Universal (SOC) interface
The Tektronix TOP130 Optical LED Source is a small, rugged LED source designed for use in installing, maintaining and researching LAN, FDDI and other fiber optic links.
This multimode instrument provides two calibrated outputs - at 850 nm and 1300 nm. Providing both CW and modulated outputs, the user can set the modulation frequency to match the frequency signatures required by fiber identifiers and signal tracers (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz). The TOP130 comes with a choice of adapters; two selected adapters will be provided. (Laser class 1)
TOP140/TOP160 Optical Laser Sources
- Universal connector interface (UCI)
- >80 hours battery life (>50 Hours TOP160)
The TOP140 and TOP160 Optical Laser Sources answer the need for small, rugged and truly versatile laser sources for use in installation, maintenance and testing of fiber optic systems. These laser sources cover the most used singlemode transmission windows -1310 nm and 1550 nm. The TOP140 and TOP160 provide both CW and modulated output modes. In CW mode these instruments feature extremely stable output power. In the modulated mode the frequency may be set to 270 Hz, 1 kHz or 2 kHz.
All laser sources feature the Universal Connector Interface which adapts to all standard fiber optic connectors via a complete line of simple, screw-on/screw-off UCI adapters. (Laser class 1)
TOP200 Optical Power Meter
- Set reference for different wavelengths
- Save references for each wavelength
- Universal (SOC) interface
- >100 hours battery life
The TOP200 handheld optical power meter covers the full range of optical fiber applications. This instrument is quality engineered for field and lab personnel requiring a high performance, cost effective, compact and rugged optical power meter.
The TOP200 uses the Snap-On Connector (SOC) interface. Most industry standard fiber optic connectors can be accommodated, including FC, ST and SC.
The extraordinary design combines a state-of-the-art signal processor and microcomputer electronics to provide superb performance as well as simple and elegant operation with just three controls: ON/OFF, dBm/dB and lambda. A reference value can be set and also saved for each wavelength.
TOP220 High-Power Optical Power Meter
- Universal (SOC) interface
- Auto shutoff
The Tektronix TOP220 is a handheld, high-power optical power meter. It can measure optical signals as high as +25 dBm. It also can make measurements on the low end down to -30 dBm. This instrument is quality engineered for field and lab applications requiring a high performance, cost effective, compact and rugged optical power meter.
The TOP220 uses the Snap-On Connector (SOC) interface. Most industry standard fiber-optic connectors can be accommodated, including FC, ST and SC.
TOP300 Visual Fault Finder
- Fault location to millimeter accuracy
- Long battery life
The TOP300 Visual Fault Finder is specifically designed for field personnel who need an efficient and economical tool to visually check continuity and integrity of fiber installations, during and after installation. Unlike many other visual fault finders, the high-efficiency laser diode operates at short wavelengths which makes the emitted light particularly visible.
Difficult-to-locate fiber breaks are easily detected when using the TOP300 visual fault finder. Whenever the fiber is interrupted, the light escapes the fiber and becomes visible to the operator. Precise pinpointing of problems is immediate and intuitive to the user.
The optical connection is via the precision Universal Connector Interface (UCI) which offers superior repeatability, longevity and ease of maintenance. (Laser class 1). The TOP300 features a stabilized output that can be used as a reference source in short wavelength LANs.
TOP400 Optical Attenuator
- Universal connector interface (UCI)
- Less than 2 dB insertion loss
The Tektronix TOP400 is a handheld optical attenuator. Its superior design allows it to have less than 2 dB of insertion loss. The TOP400, when used with an optical power meter and source, allows the user to manually dial in attenuation to determine system headroom. It is a passive device and does not require any batteries or power for operation.
The TOP400 uses a proprietary scheme for the attenuating mechanism. The small size and large dial indicator make this instrument an indispensable tool for fiber optic line commissioning, bit error rate (BER) measurements, system margin analysis and receiver sensitivity testing. All optical connections are via the precision Universal Connector Interface (UCI) which offers low insertion loss, low return loss and excellent stability.
Functions -
MOD: Modulated Output Mode
CW: Continuous Wave DC Output Mode
FREQ: User Selectable Frequency - 270 Hz, 1 kHz or 2 kHz
Center Wavelength - 850 nm: 830-880 nm, 1300 nm: 1270-1345 nm.
Spectral Width (FWHM) - 850 nm: <55 nm; 1300 nm: <140 nm.
Stability (1 Hour) - ±0.05 dB.
Power Output (Nominal Into 62.5/125 GI Fiber) -
850 nm: -13 dBm (50 µW).
1300 nm: -20 dBm (10 µW).
Connector Interface - Universal (SOC) interface. Choice of standard adapters.
Source - Two AA batteries.
Battery Life - >20 hours.
Temperature -
Operating: -15 °C to +55 °C, 0 to 95% RH (noncondensing).
Storage: -35 °C to +70 °C, 0 to 95% RH (noncondensing).
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Weight |
g |
oz. |
Width |
72 |
2.8 |
Height |
142 |
5.6 |
Depth |
36 |
1.4 |
Net |
240 |
8.4 |
Functions -
MOD: Modulated Output Mode
CW: Continuous Wave DC Output Mode
FREQ: User Selectable Frequency - 270 Hz, 1 kHz or 2 kHz
Center Wavelength -
TOP140: 1310 nm (1280-1340 nm).
TOP160: 1310/1550 nm (1280 to 1340 nm and 1520 to 1580 nm).
Spectral Width RMS - 5 nm.
Stability - 1 hour maximum deviation: ±0.05 dB. 24 hours maximum deviation: ±0.15 dB.
Power Output*1*3 (into SM -28/9 µm Core) - TOP140 and TOP160: -7 dBm (200 µW).
Power Output Uncertainty*2 - ±0.5 dB (calibrated launch level into SM-28/9 µm core fiber).
Connector Interface - Universal (UCI) interface. Choice of standard adapters.
Source - Two AA alkaline batteries.
Battery Life - TOP 140: >80 hours. TOP 160: >50 hours.
Temperature -
Operating: -15 °C to +55 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Storage:-35 °C to +70 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Weight |
g |
oz. |
Width |
72 |
2.8 |
Height |
142 |
5.6 |
Depth |
36 |
1.4 |
Net |
230 |
8 |
*1 Within specified ambient temperature of +20 °C to +25 °C.
*2 Specified with properly terminated FC-PC, ST, SC, DIN, HMS-10/HP (2.5 mm) connectors. Uncertainty for other connectors may be higher.
*3 In modulated mode, power is 3 dB lower.
Functions -
dBm: Absolute Power
dB: Relative Power Also Used to Save/Recall Reference Values
Lambda: Select CAL Wavelength Also Used to Set Default/CAL Wavelength
Sensor Type - InGaAs (1 mm).
Power Range - +3 to -60 dBm.
Cal Wavelengths - 850, 1310 and 1550 nm.
Absolute Accuracy - ±0.25 dB at calibration conditions.
Display - Custom triplexed liquid crystal display with 4-digit data field (0.01 dB resolution) and simultaneous display of cal wavelength.
Display incorporates the following distinct annunciators: 850, 1310, 1550, dB, dBm, B (Low Bat) and C (CAL).
Calibration Data - Data stored in nonvolatile memory.
Connector Interface - Universal (SOC) Interface.
Source - Two AA alkaline batteries.
Battery Life - >100 hours.
Temperature -
Operating: -15 °C to +55 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Storage: -35 °C to +70 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Weight |
g |
oz. |
Width |
72 |
2.8 |
Height |
142 |
5.6 |
Depth |
36 |
1.4 |
Net |
250 |
8.9 |
Functions -
dBm: Absolute Power
dB: Relative Power Also Used to Save/Recall Reference Values
Lambda: Select CAL Wavelength Also Used to Set Default/Power Up Wavelength
CAL: Calibrate Unit
Sensor Type - InGaAs (2 mm).
Power Range - +25 to -30 dBm.
Cal Wavelengths - 980, 1310 and 1550 nm.
Absolute Accuracy - ±0.25 dB at calibration conditions.
Display - Custom triplexed liquid crystal display with 4-digit data field (0.01 dB resolution) and simultaneous display of cal wavelength.
Calibration Data - Data stored in nonvolatile memory.
Connector Interface - Universal (SOC) Interface.
Source - Two AA alkaline batteries.
Battery Life - >100 hours.
Temperature -
Operating: -15 °C to +50 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Storage: -35 °C to +70 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Weight |
g |
oz. |
Width |
72 |
2.8 |
Height |
142 |
5.6 |
Depth |
36 |
1.4 |
Net |
250 |
8.9 |
Center Wavelength - 635 nm (630-640 nm).
Spectral Width (FWHM) - <2 nm RMS.
Stability - 1 hour maximum deviation: ±0.15 dB.
10 hours maximum deviation ±0.25 dB.
Power Output (Into SMF -28 Fiber) - -5 dBm.
Connector Interface - Universal Connector Interface (UCI), UCI Adapters.
Source - Two AA alkaline batteries.
Battery Life - >20 hours.
Temperature -
Operating: -15 °C to +40 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Storage: -35 °C to +70 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Weight |
g |
oz. |
Width |
72 |
2.8 |
Height |
142 |
5.6 |
Depth |
36 |
1.4 |
Net |
230 |
8.1 |
Insertion Loss - <2 dB (1.25 dB typical).
Attenuation Range - 0 to 35 dB.
Return Loss - <-40 dB (with FC, ST, SC and DIN connectors), <-50 dB (with optional APC connectors).
Connector Interface - Universal Connector Interface (UCI).
Temperature -
Operating: -15 °C to +60 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Storage: -35 °C to +70 °C, 0-95% RH (noncondensing).
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions |
mm |
in. |
Weight |
g |
oz. |
Width |
72 |
2.8 |
Height |
142 |
5.6 |
Depth |
36 |
1.4 |
Net |
230 |
8.1 |
Ordering Information
TOP130 - LED Optical Source (850/1300 nm).
TOP200 - Optical Power Meter (850/1310/1550 nm).
TOP220 - High Power Optical Power Meter.
TOP140 - Laser Optical Source (1310 nm).
TOP160 - Laser Optical Source (1310/1550 nm).
TOP300 - Visual Fault Finder (635 nm).
TOP400 - Optical Attenuator.
All Include: User Manual (070-9392-01); Protective Rubber Jacket with Stand (348-1480-00); One Connector Adapter Options*1 (user selected from the following Optional Adapters list).
Connectors for TOP130
Opt. 31 - FC. Order 119-5146-00.
Opt. 34 - ST. Order 119-5144-00.
Opt. 36 - Diamond 3.5. Order 119-5172-00.
Opt. 38 - SC. Order 119-5145-00.
Connectors for TOP140/160
Opt. 31 - FC. Order 119-5115-00.
Opt. 34 - ST. Order 119-4513-00.
Opt. 36 - Diamond 3.5. Order 119-4558-00.
Opt. 38 - SC. Order 119-5116-00.
Connectors for TOP160
Opt. 41 - FC/APC.
Opt. 42 - SC/APC.
Opt. 43 - E2000/APC.
Connectors for TOP200/220
Opt. 31 - FC. Order 119-5146-00.
Opt. 34 - ST. Order 119-5144-00.
Opt. 36 - Diamond 3.5. Order 119-5172-00.
Opt. 38 - SC. Order 119-5145-00.
E2000 available as extra connector, order 119–5164–00.
Connectors for TOP300/400
Opt. 31 - FC. Order 119-5115-00.
Opt. 34 - ST. Order 119-4513-00.
Opt. 36 - Diamond 3.5. Order 119-4558-00.
Opt. 38 - SC. Order 119-5116-00.
Opt. C3 - Calibration Service 3 Years.
Opt. C5 - Calibration Service 5 Years.
Opt. D1 - Calibration Data Report (all except TOP130).
Opt. D3 - Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Option C3).
Opt. D5 - Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Option C5).
Opt. R3 - Repair Service 3 Years.
Opt. R5 - Repair Service 5 Years.
*1 One adapter option per instrument. Order additional connector using the 119- part number.