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PSPL5867 15 GHz Linear Amplifier Datasheet
PSPL5867 Datasheet
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PSPL5867 Datasheet
The PSPL5867 is a broadband linear amplifier intended for use amplifying signals with a minimum amount of distortion. The PSPL5867 demonstrates exceptional gain flatness and low deviation from linear phase while providing a bandwidth of 10 kHz to 15 GHz. This amplifier is ideal for use as a linear gain block in applications such as 12.5 Gb/s fiber optic receiver channels.
Key performance specifications
- Broadband linear amplifier with 15 dB gain
- 10 kHz to 15 GHz bandwidth
- Low deviation from linear phase (±3 degrees)
- 1 dB compression point of 13 dBm
- RF power detection
Typical performance
The following figure shows the S21-Gain.
The following figure shows the deviation from linear phase.
Parameter | Symbol | Units | Minimum | Typical | Maximum | Comments |
Impedance | Z | Ohms | 50 | |||
Upper 3 dB frequency | fc,h | GHz | 14 | 15 | 3 dB roll-off point | |
Lower 3 dB frequency | fc,l | kHz | 10 | 20 | 3 dB roll-off point | |
Small signal gain | S21 | dB | 13 | 15 | 16 | Avg. at 1 GHz and 2 GHz |
Gain flatness | dB | +/-0.3 | +/-0.5 | 50 MHz | ||
Deviation from linear phase | deg | +/-3 | +/-5 | 50 MHz | ||
Return loss, input | S11 | dB | -10 | 50 MHz | ||
Return loss, output | S22 | dB | -10 -9.5 |
50 MHz 14 GHz ≤ f | ||
Eff. input RMS noise voltage | μV rms | 99 | ||||
Noise figure | NF | dB | 5.0 | 7.0 | f > 50 MHz | |
Maximum power out (-1 dB gain comp) |
dBm | 10 | 13 | |||
Power detector RF bandwidth | GHz | 15 | ||||
Power detector output bandwidth (video) | kHz | 20 | ||||
Power detector output voltage range | VDC | 3.4 | 4.0 | 4.6 | At 12 dBm RF output | |
Polarity | Inverting | |||||
Coupling | AC, input and output | |||||
Supply voltage (+) | +VDC | VDC | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 | |
Supply voltage (-) | -VDC | VDC | -5.5 | -5 | -4.5 | |
Supply current (+) | +IDC | mA | 105 | |||
Supply current (-) | -IDC | mA | 7 | |||
Power dissipation | Pdiss | W | 1.0 | 1.5 | ||
Maximum allowed input | dBm | 15 | Input damage threshold | |||
Input DC bias range | Vbias | VDC | -10 | 9 | Input is AC coupled | |
Output DC bias range | Vbias | VDC | -5 | 13 | Output is AC coupled | |
Operating temperature | TCASE | Deg C | 0 | 75 | Case temperature | |
Storage temperature | Tstor | Deg C | -40 | 125 | ||
RF connectors | SMA jacks (f) | |||||
DC connector | Solder pins | |||||
Warranty | One year |
Ordering information
- PSPL5867
- SMA jacks (f) on input and output