What are some best practices that I should use when operating a Tektronix MSO70000/C/DX, DPO7000/C, DPO70000/B/C/D/DX, or DSA70000/B/C/D oscillosope?
You can refer to our Best Practices guide at:
Included in the guide is information regarding the following subject areas:
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge
Signal Path Compensation and instrument calibration
Channel to channel deskew
Addition of 3rd Party Windows applications
Taking Acquistions and Measurements
Maximum Instrument Input Voltages
Using TriMode probes with your instrument
Diese FAQs beziehen sich auf:
Produktreihe DPO7000 Mixed-Signal-/Digital-Phosphor-Oszilloskope MSO/DPO70000DX
FAQ-ID 69171
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