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Spectrum Analyzer Calibration Services

Tektronix provides the complete, fully-accredited Spectrum Analyzer Calibration Services. Our flexible options for Tektronix spectrum analyzer calibration and repair services includes delivery as Factory Certified services and as part of a single-source agreement for all of a client's instrument inventory -- regardless of make and model.

Trust your spectrum analyzer calibration with the people who know it best!

Tektronix spectrum analyzers have a long history of delivering confidence to confront the most challenging microwave and RF designs. The full line of analyzers range from handheld to high performance benchtop instruments. Keep your Tektronix spectrum analyzer calibrated and operating at peak performance.

We service all Tektronix power supply models, including:

  • Tektronix 2756P Spectrum Analyzer Calibration
  • Tektronix RSA3308A Spectrum Analyzer Calibration
  • Tektronix RSA 6114A Specturm Analyzer Calibration
  • and virtually any other Tektronix calibration, repair and certification need! 

Why Choose Tektronix for Multi-brand Services?

  • Calibration services for equipment from 9,000-plus manufacturers—far more than just Tektronix!
  • Extensive global service network—more than 100 points of service.
  • Superior quality—181 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation parameters.
  • 1,100-plus associates—highly skilled technicians and sales representatives.



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