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Model 6517B Electrometer High-Resistance Meter Specifications

Document number SPEC-6517BC

Specifications are subject to change without notice.



Range 6½-digit resolution Accuracy (1 year)1
18 °C to 28 °C
± (% reading + offset)
Temperature coefficient
0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C
± (% reading + offset)/ °C
2 V 1 µV 0.025 + 40 µV 0.003 + 20 µV
20 V 10 µV 0.025 + 300 µV 0.002 + 100 µV
200 V 100 µV 0.06 + 3 mV 0.002 + 1 mV

1 When properly zeroed, 6½-digit, 1 PLC (power line cycle), median filter on, digital filter = 10 readings.
NMRR: 2 V and 20 V range > 60 dB, 200 V range > 55 dB. 50 Hz or 60 Hz2

> 120 dB at DC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz

Input Impedance: > 200 TΩ in parallel with 20 pF, < 2 pF guarded (1 MΩ with zero check on)

Small signal bandwidth at preamplifier output: Typically 100 kHz (–3 dB)

2 Line sync on.


Range 6½-digit resolution Accuracy (1 year)1
18 °C to 28 °C
± (% reading + offset)
Temperature coefficient
0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C
± (% reading + offset)/ °C
20 pA 10 aA3 1 + 3 fA 0.1 + 500 aA
200 pA 100 aA3 1 + 5 fA 0.1 + 1 fA
2 nA 1 fA 0.2 + 300 fA 0.1 + 20 fA
20 nA 10 fA 0.2 + 500 fA 0.03 + 100 fA
200 nA 100 fA 0.2 + 5 pA 0.03 + 1 pA
2 µA 1 pA 0.1 + 100 pA 0.005 + 20 pA
20 µA 10 pA 0.1 + 500 pA 0.005 + 100 pA
200 µA 100 pA 0.1 + 5 nA 0.005 + 1 nA
2 mA 1 nA 0.1 + 100 nA 0.008 + 20 nA
20 mA 10 nA 0.1 + 500 nA 0.008 + 100 nA

3 aA = 10–18 A, fA = 10–15 A.

Input bias current: < 3 fA at TCAL; temperature coefficient = 0.5 fA/°C, 20 pA range

Input bias current noise:
< 750 aA peak-peak (capped input), 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz bandwidth, damping on; digital filter = 40 readings, 20 pA range

Input voltage burden at TCAL ± 1 °C: < 20 µV on 20 pA, 2 nA, 20 nA, 2 µA, 20 µA ranges; < 100 µV on 200 pA, 200 nA, 200 µA ranges; < 2 mV on 2 mA range; < 5 mV on 20 mA range

Temperature coefficient of input voltage burden: < 10 µV/°C on pA, nA, µA ranges

Preamplifier settling time (to 10% of final value) typical: 0.5 s (damping off), 2.0 s (damping on) on pA ranges; 15 ms on nA ranges damping off, 1 ms on µA ranges damping off; 500 µs on mA ranges damping off

NMRR: >60 dB on all ranges at 50 Hz or 60 Hz4


Range 6½-digit resolution Accuracy (1 year)5, 6
18 °C to 28 °C
± (% reading + offset)
Temperature coefficient
0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C
± (% reading + offset)/ °C
2 nC 1 fC 0.4 + 50 fC 0.04 + 30 fC
20 nC 10 fC 0.4 + 500 fC 0.04 + 100 fC
200 nC 100 fC 0.4 + 5 pC 0.04 + 1 pC
2 µC 1 pC 0.4 + 50 pC 0.04 + 10 pC

4 Line sync on.
5 Specifications apply immediately after charge acquisition. Add:



where TA = period of time in seconds between the coulombs zero and measurement, QAV = average charge measured over TA, and RC = 300,000 typical.

6 When properly zeroed, 6½-digit, 1 PLC (power line cycle), median filter on, digital filter = 10 readings.

Input bias current: < 4 fA at TCAL; Temperature coefficient = 0.5 fA/°C, 2 nC range


Range 6½-digit resolution Accuracy (1 year)7
(10% to 100% range)
18 °C to 28 °C (1 year)
± (% reading + offset)
Temperature coefficient
(10% to 100% range)
0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C
± (% reading + offset)/ °C
Auto V source Amps range
2 MΩ 1 Ω 0.125 + 10 Ω 0.01 + 10 Ω 40 V 200 µA
20 MΩ 10 Ω 0.125 + 100 Ω 0.01 + 100 Ω 40 V 20 µA
200 MΩ 100 Ω 0.15 + 1 kΩ 0.015 + 1 kΩ 40 V 2 µA
2 GΩ 1 kΩ 0.225 + 10 kΩ 0.035 + 10 kΩ 40 V 200 nA
20 GΩ 10 kΩ 0.225 + 100 kΩ 0.035 + 100 kΩ 40 V 20 nA
200 GΩ 100 kΩ 0.35 + 1 MΩ 0.110 + 1 MΩ 40 V 2 nA
2 TΩ 1 MΩ 0.35 + 10 MΩ 0.110 + 10 MΩ 400 V 2 nA
20 TΩ 10 MΩ 1.025 + 100 MΩ 0.105 + 100 MΩ 400 V 200 pA
200 TΩ 100 MΩ 1.15 + 1 GΩ 0.125 + 1 GΩ 400 V 20 pA

7 Specifications are for auto V-source ohms, when properly zeroed, 6½-digit, 1 PLC, median filter on, digital filter = 10 readings. If user-selectable voltage is required, use manual mode. Manual mode displays resistance (up to 1018 Ω) calculated from measured current. Accuracy is equal to the accuracy of the V-source plus the accuracy of the selected current range.

Preamplifier settling time: Add voltage source settling time to preamplifier settling time in current specification. Ranges over 20 GΩ require additional settling based on the characteristics of the load.

OHMS (alternating polarity method)

The alternating polarity sequence compensates for the background (offset) currents of the material or device under test. Maximum tolerable offset up to full scale of the current range used.

Using Keithley Model 8002A or 8009 fixture

Repeatability: ΔIBG × R/VALT + 0.1 % (1σ) (instrument temperature constant ± 1 °C).

Accuracy: (VSRCErr + IMEASErr x R)/VALT
ΔIBG is a measured, typical background current noise from the sample and fixture.
VALT is the alternating polarity voltage used.
VSRCErr is the accuracy (in volts) of the voltage source using VALT as the setting.
IMEASErr is the accuracy (in amperes) of the ammeter using VALT/R as the reading.


Range 5½-digit resolution Accuracy (1 year)
18 °C to 28 °C
± (% reading + offset)
Temperature coefficient
0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C
± (% reading + offset)/ °C
100 V 5 mV 0.15 +10 mV 0.005 + 1 mV
1000 V 50 mV 0.15 +100 mV 0.005 + 10 mV

Maximum output current:
100 V range: ± 10 mA, hardware short circuit protection at < 14.0 mA
1000 V range: ± 1 mA, hardware short circuit protection at < 1.4 mA

Settling time:
100 V range: < 8 ms to rated accuracy
1000 V range: < 50 ms to rated accuracy

Noise (typical): 10 Hz to 20 Mhz
100 V range: < 4.7 mVRMS
1000 V range: < 5.1 mVRMS


Thermocouple type Range Accuracy (1 year)8
18 °C to 28 °C, ± (% reading + °C)
K −25 °C to 150 °C ± (0.3 + 1.5 °C)

8 Excluding probe errors, TCAL ± 5 °C, 1 PLC integration time.


Range Accuracy (1 year)9
18 °C to 28 °C, ± (% reading + % relative humidity)
0% to 100% ± (0.3 + 0.5 °C)

9 Humidity probe accuracy must be added. This is ± 3 % relative humidity, for Model 6517-RH, up to 65 °C probe environment, not to exceed 85 °C.


Implementation: SCPI (IEEE-488.2, SCPI-1999.0)
Trigger to reading done:
150 ms typical, with external trigger
RS-232 implementation: Supports: SCPI 1991.0; baud rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2 k, 38.4 k, 57.6 k, and 115.2 k
Flow control: None, Xon/Xoff
Connector: DB-9 TXD/RXD/GND


Display: 6½-digit vacuum fluorescent multiline
Overrange indication: Display reads "OVERFLOW”; for readings > 105 % of range, the display reads "OUT OF LIMIT" for excessive overrange conditions
Ranging: Automatic or manual
Conversion time: Selectable 0.01 PLC to 10 PLC
Programs: Provide front-panel access to IEEE address, choice of engineering units or scientific notation
Maximum input: 250 VPEAK, DC to 60 Hz sine wave; 10 s per minute maximum on mA ranges (one-sixth duty cycle)
Maximum common mode voltage (DC to 60 Hz sine wave): Electrometer, 500 VPEAK; V-source, 750 VPEAK
Isolation (meter COMMON to chassis): > 1010 Ω, < 500 pF
Input connector: Three-lug triaxial on rear panel
2 V analog output: 2 V for full range input; noninverting in volts mode, inverting when measuring amperes, ohms, or coulombs; output impedance 10 kΩ nominal
Preamplifier output: Provides a guard output for voltage measurements; can be used as an inverting output or with external feedback in Amps and Coulombs modes
External trigger: TTL-compatible external trigger and electrometer complete
Guard: Switchable voltage guard available
Digital I/O and trigger line: Available, see manual for usage
EMC: Conforms to European Union Directive 89/336/EEC, EN 61326-1
Safety: Conforms to European Union Directive 73/23/EEC, EN 61010-1
Test sequences: Device-characterization (diode, capacitor, cable, resistor), resistivity, surface-insulation resistance, sweep
Reading storage: 50,000


To internal buffer  425   readings/second11 
 To IEEE-488 bus  400  readings/second10, 11
 Bus transfer 3300   readings/second11

10 0.01 PLC, digital filters off, front panel off, temperature + relative humidity off, line sync off.
11 Binary transfer mode.

Digital filter: Median and averaging
Environment: Operating: 0 °C to 50 °C; relative humidity 70% noncondensing, up to 35 °C; storage: –25 °C to +65 °C; for indoor use only
Altitude: Maximum 2000 m (6562 ft) above sea level per EN61010-1
Warm-up: 1 hour to rated accuracy (see manual for recommended procedure)
Power: User selectable 100 V ac, 120 V ac, 220 V ac, 240 V ac, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 100 VA maximum


Case dimensions: 90 mm × 214 mm × 369 mm (3½ in. × 8½ in. × 14½ in.)
Working dimensions: From front of case to rear, including power cord and IEEE-488 connector: 394 mm (15.5 in.)
Net weight: 5.4 kg (11.8 lbs)
Shipping weight: 6.9 kg (15.1 lbs)



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SPEC-6517B March 2020