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Partner Details
恩泰香港有限公司 Yan Thai (HK) Co. Ltd

Yan Thai (Hong Kong) Company Limited was found in 1977. Its mission is to develop and market products that make use of testing instrumental technology. Dedicated entrepreneurs who have in depth knowledge of technology trends manage the company. With our extensive network by various worldwide best manufactures, we provide the optimum solution of testing instruments.
Spécialisation du produit
Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes, Probes, Accessories, Software
- Téléphone:+86 (852) 23690377
- Fax: +86 (852) 27396557
Pays de commercialisation
China, Hong Kong
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Hong Kong | Kowloon | Téléphone: +86 (852) 23690377 Fax: +86 (852) 27396557 |