My memory storage is set to none and the system triggers but the program does not stop running.
In order for the acquisition to complete the entire acquisition buffer must be full. Normally when one triggers the module the rest of the buffer fills very quickly because all samples are stored until the buffer fills (storage set to all). If there is no storage (storage set to none) then the buffer will just sit there at whatever % full it was at the point that it triggers. In order for the program to stop running it must be written so that samples will get stored until the acquisition memory fills completely. Check the status window and verify the state(s) that the program is running in. If those states are not storing samples then the program will not ever stop running because the acquisition memory is not filling up. You will either need to modify the program so that it continues storing samples or change the storage type. Also remember to change the memory depth in the TLA Setup to the number of samples that you wish to record.
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