I need to capture waveform data as fast as possible. How many waveforms per second can I transfer over the bus? How many can I store in internal memory?
Bus transfer rate. A number of factors control how many waveforms per second can be stored. You must use a specific bus command, and make sure that the instrument is transferring binary data that comes out MSB. Under those conditions the instrument will transfer about one hundred twenty 512 point waveforms per second. At 1024 points per waveform, the transfer rate is about 78 waveforms per second.
Internal memory storage rate. At 512 points, 150 waveforms can be stored per second. At 1024 points, 110 waveforms can be stored per second. In both cases, only one waveform was selected. If multiple channels are transferred, the transfer rates drop significantly. In the case of the bus transfer, the rate drops by half for each new waveform selected. The internal memory storage times do not change in the same ratio.
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