I have the TDS8200 sampling scope with the 80SJNB. Do I need to use the 80A06 PatternSync Module with the 80SJNB Jitter software?
Yes, the 80A06 PatternSync Module is required with the 80SJNB Jitter software. The TDS/CSA8200 Series mainframe also requires software release V2.4 or later version. Microsoft Win 2000 operating system required to run software release V 2.4 or later version.
With the 82A04 Phase Reference Module Time Interval Accuracy is < 200 fs. Time Interval Accuracy without the 82A04 is < 800 fs. Jitter Measurement Accuracy is < 200 fs rms with 82A04 Phase Reference Module and < 800 fs rms when 82A04 is not in use.
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