How can I install a VX1410A+ VX1411A+ or VX1420A Mainframe with option 1R or 2R in an equipment rack that is deeper than 24 inches?
The VX1410A or VX1411A option 1R or 2R comes with a General Devices CTS124 Chassis Trak that contains a standard hardware package. The package includes all the hardware necessary to mount the Chassis Trak slides:
Rear mounting brackets (B-814-2)
Bar nuts (CA8056-01-0019)
# 10-32 X .50 F.H.M.S. (flush front rail mounting)
# 10-32 X .50 B.H.M.S.
# 10-32 X KEPS nuts
When mounting the CTS124 Chassis Trak in equipment racks that are deeper than 24 inches, you must use General Devices Optional Mounting Brackets: 20 extensions; B-131 ( supplied with standard CTS124; 0.50 inch ) up to B-131-11 ( 10.06 inch ), or B-307-2 Wrap-Around Bracket for rear mounting bracket extension ( from 0.56" to 8.69" in 0.63" increments ). These parts are available only from General Devices Sales Service (317) 897-7009.
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